Some questions
A software button to turn off the paneldue's screen will be a nice addition!
@windiesel mentions the motors being loud when standing still. I just started a thread about that earlier today. It appears that I am not alone here. I bought new motors and have not tested them yet, but I'd be curious to know if anyone else is experiencing this, and if so, with what motors and what current settings, so we can see if there is a common cause.
@windiesel mentions the motors being loud when standing still. I just started a thread about that earlier today. It appears that I am not alone here. I bought new motors and have not tested them yet, but I'd be curious to know if anyone else is experiencing this, and if so, with what motors and what current settings, so we can see if there is a common cause.
Yeah my motors are doing that, too. Kysan 1124090.
My stepper motors are 42HE3D-A1 from reprap (which may just be a rebranded 42BYGH4017P1 NEMA 17), 1.7A, 1.8 degree.
I get substantial noise at the default holding current, which I think it 60%. Could turn that setting down, but curious why some people get this noise and some do not, seemingly regardless of this setting.
My stepper motors are 42HE3D-A1 from reprap (which may just be a rebranded 42BYGH4017P1 NEMA 17), 1.7A, 1.8 degree.
I get substantial noise at the default holding current, which I think it 60%. Could turn that setting down, but curious why some people get this noise and some do not, seemingly regardless of this setting.
And your power supply voltage?
I am currently redoing my Printer and setting it up again.
I found the G-Code page, nice work.
Has somthing change in the Panel due FW. should I investigate to update its FW?How far ist die Filament monitor
link to thread doesnt work by the way
When am I be able to buy one. what are you planing to do with itbest regarts
Kevin -
Latest PanelDue firmware is at
The filament monitor is still in beta. We want to evaluate a laser sensor similar to the one that Prusa uses before we go into production.
Any update on turning PanelDue off/on?
I'm fine with any solution you can implement easily.Or is it possible to hook up the PanelDue 5V to an GPIO pin and drive it that way with M42?
Can you suggest a specification for this feature? For example:
When should the display be turned off? Just when M81 is executed, or in response to other events as well?
When should it be turned on again? By M81? When the screen is touched?
If the screen is turned off by M81 but the user e.g. touches the screen to turn it on again, when should it be turned off?
I'm just going to start with my use case & dream - not sure how easy this would be to implement (or if it is even possible):
PanelDue auto-sleep of no touch-input and a print is running. (configurable: 5/10/30/60min or never)
Touching the blank (dark) screen once wakes a PanelDue without acting on the touch input.
M81 puts PanelDue to sleep (together with turning off the PSU).
M80 wakes a PanelDue.
Starting a Print wakes a PanelDue
Does the PanelDue display suffer from any long-term wear or burn-in? this would motivate some of these features further…
PanelDue auto-sleep of no touch-input and a print is running. (configurable: 5/10/30/60min or never)
Touching the blank (dark) screen once wakes a PanelDue without acting on the touch input.
M81 puts PanelDue to sleep (together with turning off the PSU).
M80 wakes a PanelDue.
Starting a Print wakes a PanelDue
autosleep would be an absolute great feature
I would like to have a on/off button which sends M80/M81 because otherwise I have to use Macros to start my printer or the web interface…
I d love to see more stats on the front page.
is there a wishlist thread for the paneldue? I have tons of Ideas what could be betterBy the way there is a spelling mistake in the german version under settings the button "Farbe invertieren" flips the display upside down and does not "invert collors" it would be right with something like "Anzeige drehen"
Kevin -
Thanks for your feedback. What extra stats would you like to see on the front page?
you got me on the wrong foot then
and i didnt had the time to think about it probably. Its easyer to say, what I dont like then what i would like better.
first of all a temperatur graph would be nice.
I also would like to see a power percentage of the heater (from the PWM) this would be handy to see the effekt of printspeed and cooling. It is kind of implementet in repetier host. if you could enter your heaters resitance, it would be easy to calculate the power output.
I realy dont like the movment panel on Paneldue and the web interface. I would love to see something simelar to Pronterface oder Repetier host.
The same for temperatur controll. On the Paneldue it would be better to get some surggesttions like on the web interface. If the paneldue is able to detect movements, a slidebar would be desirable.Thare are also some fields I am not so sure there are needed.
for examble: I have not jet used the standby temperature.
There is also the remaining time shown, three times. I have not figured out how to get the information how long it realy will print. I would suggest to only show one time. Even if its off I would get a feeling over time how much it is off.Happy new Year
Kevin -
Maybe can use a mechanical for on/off the paneldue. 1 touch to wake, another to sleep