@dc42 perfect it worked (my downloaded file has 201 Kb but an git it only has 90) re downloaded the file and then it worked, thanks

Best posts made by windiesel
RE: Black display and unable to update firmware
Latest posts made by windiesel
RE: automatic load Macro - precisionpiezo
that makes sense. You typically get extrusion Problems at higher sprintspeeds
RE: automatic load Macro - precisionpiezo
I finally had the time to implement the stall detection for the extruder. First tests seams to work perfect.
I was wondering if it is possible to use Extruder Stall detection while printing.My first tests are a bit strange, in the middle of the first layer the stall detection went on for no obvious reason. When I prevent the filament from extruding, the extruder motor loses steps.
I guess it highly depends on the speed the extruder runs? -
RE: automatic load Macro - precisionpiezo
the motor is pretty stong. with the bondtech the pushfitting are pushed out pretty easy. I could reduce the current and try that.
Thanks -
automatic load Macro - precisionpiezo
i noticed when i load the filament with the extruder that the piezo triggers when the filament reaches the hotend.
So I had the Idea for writing a Macro which loads the filament automaticly, like a homing.g file.
But I have no clue how to write a macro which listens for an specific endstop and stops the extruder.
or do I have to calibrate this in config.g? The piezo triggers pretty often while printing, so defining it as an endstop for the E axis could generate a problem?best regarts
Kevin -
Macros do not load while ATX is off
my printer has two powersuplys, a 5V and 24V. I have a SSR build in to switch the 24V.
Because there is no button on the Paneldue to switch the printer on I wrote a Macro with M80; .
Since I updated the paneldue frimeware the Macros load only if the 24V is on. So I have to type in M80 manually.
If I switch 24V off the macros stay.
Is there any solution for this?best regards
Kevin -
RE: Black display and unable to update firmware
@dc42 perfect it worked (my downloaded file has 201 Kb but an git it only has 90) re downloaded the file and then it worked, thanks
RE: Black display and unable to update firmware
When I press the reset button the bossa port disappears, but the Display is still black. The display is also black when pluged into the DUET WIFI.
after pressing the erase button and then pressing reset the bossa port is back again.This is for both displays
best regarts
RE: Black display and unable to update firmware
we have the panel Due v3.0a and i tried "PanelDue-v3-4.3-nologo.bin" and "PanelDue-v3-4.3.bin" FW
for the final flash I used:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\BOSSA\bossac.exe" --port=COM14 -e -w -v -b C:\PanelDue43Zoll\PanelDue-v3-4.3-nologo.bin
which reported very successfulbest regarts
Kevin -
RE: Black display and unable to update firmware
I do have the same Problem with two Panel DUE 4.3"
we had the problem that when we pressed settings the macro tab would open so my college erased the frimware.
Now I flash the panel due but the display is still black, the comand window reported Verify successful.the bossa GUI is not able to write, while writing i ll get "flash comand failed"
the bossa GUI also dosn t give me write options where I can set or unset boxes.I have no Idea what to try nexted.
It took me several hours to find out that the comandline does not accept path with spaces like "...\3D Printer..." -
RE: [Guide] [Feedback requested] Reducing Stand-Still Noise
Finally I got it.
I did read the note with RRF 2.0 or later.
Frimeware update was the problem. DWC told me all the time frimeware update was successful, but as you can see in my previos post: it wasn't. I then found a thread which said that I have to update iap4e.bin before updating the frimeware after that everything worked smothly.Its nice to have the option now to tune the unwanted noise. I did not found the perfect setting but I found a better one.
I tried every setting and rated them with sough(not sure if its the right translation) and whistle for example C65969 has no whistle but is really loud and C65971 has no sough but a really unpleasant loud whistle.The high pitch for values above C65980 as mentioned in the guide i could also hear, but they weren't that loud or unpleasant.
I finally put 78 79 and 82 in my configThanks for that feature and that guide