SZP Coil Height
I am building yet another IDEX printer utilizing two E3D Roto Toolheads with the Duet Roto board. I want to run the SZP coil but I have a couple questions that will help me complete the design. What height does the coil need to be from the bed when it runs its scan? I need to know this to design a mount. Also, can the coil withstand the heat from the bed? Do I still need a Z probe IOT establish Z offset or is the SZP a standalone unit capable of all my Z probing needs? Where is there some more documentation? I have read everything I can find and it's not much. I dont think this forum, as great as it is, should be the only source of info in the coil. Lastly, does the Roto tool board come with a coil? I'll stop there. Any info you can provide would be helpful. Sorry if I haven't provided enough info. Please ask if you need to know anything further. TYIA!
- The bottom of the coil should be about 1 to 3mm above the tip of the nozzle.
- It's best to use a separate probe to establish Z=0, however we have research ongoing to see whether it is possible to temperature-compensate the SZP readings accurately enough to use it as the primary probe.
- Yes the Roto tool board comes with a coil.
- We'll publish more documentation on using the SZP soon.
@dc42 follow-up question: Using a Z endstop in place of a probe is probably also fine?
undefined Mr.Crispin referenced this topic
@oliof said in SZP Coil Height:
@dc42 follow-up question: Using a Z endstop in place of a probe is probably also fine?
Yes, if it provides an accurate Z=0 reference.
@dc42 will the heat from the bed/hot end be an issue? Will I have to stow it during a print? How much heat can it handle?