Fryed my power supply
Can I use a power supply from a desk top computer instead of a noisy Chinese one ??
@ziggymanpopo save up and buy a good power supply , you need a good reliable power source.
I have 1075 watt 10 Amp supply that is supper quite
@ziggymanpopo I would think that would be much better right?
@moth4017 is 10A enough ?
@ziggymanpopo it really depends on your printer, if its a 12V system it can work. just be aware that if you want to use the 5V rail to power the board, that usually is limited in available current. EDITED TO ADD: If you have to ask these things about a PSU, you probably are at risk of doing dangerous things. Find a friend whose done it before, or a certified electrician.
@moth4017 assuming that's a 110V rating, it's 10A input? Otherwise it would not be 1000W.
Overall, hard to say, we don't have enough information about the printer or the PSU OP wants to use...
hey guys so I was an elecical contractor for about 30 years it's a cr10-s5 and it ran for about 4 years off of a 360watt psu I think why the psu went bad because I put a ball screw and two 2 Amp steppers. To accommodate several mods. It's now installed and everything seems to be o k I am going to change out the bed heater to a thousand watter and use a ssr to switch the line current I gotta laugh cause it takes like 20 min. To get to temp it's more of a heatsink that anything
I appreciate the input and always ask dumb question because I don't know it all that's for sureyou all are.great.for putting up with my dumb questions and.i do appreciate it. This is a great Hobbie and duet rocks. I've learned a lot thanks to you all