Macro for setting up your network
Is there any possibility that the browser being used to access the web server has some effect on reliability of the connection?
I have had a lot of trouble keeping a Duet2 WiFi board connected to my mixed 2.4/5GHz network for the last few years. About a year ago I switched to a mesh network with no change in the connection behavior. The mesh router has a dedicated 2.4 GHz IOT network that I use for the Duet and things like light bulbs, appliances, etc. The Chrome browser in my laptop would connect and I could access the control panel for between 30 seconds and maybe 2 minutes at a time, then the connection would fail. It got a bit better when I shut off the VPN (even though I had local network sharing enabled) on the laptop, but still not what anyone would call reliable. I gave up on ever getting it to work reliably.
I recently tried the Mullvad browser that is based on Firefox (I think) and Duet board miraculously stays connected for up to an hour, maybe more, at a time, so it seems the browser used plays a part in the reliability of the connection.
Or am I completely wrong?
@mrehorstdmd I think this is to do we the number of AJAX tries etc
@mrehorstdmd if you have a PanelDue In your machine, is the network connection more reliable if you leave it on the Setup page?
@dc42 There's no Panel Due. This particular controller is in the sand table.
I have gone through all the posts on wifi problems and played with ajax retries, it didn't seem to do much good. I also shut off the VPN when I am connecting to the table. The Mullvad browser just seems to work about 10x more reliably than Chrome.
When you're unable to connect, are you still able to ping the Duet IP?
Does the chrome dev console show any errors?
@Phaedrux I don't have access to the table right now- it's over at my brother's distillery tasting room and I don't know when it will be back.
@mrehorstdmd another thread talks about connection weirdness when using VPN, maybe itโs related to that?
Are you are taking about using a VPN to connect to your home wifi? or are you using an outbound VPN connection from home to the internet?
Assuming the former - just some colour commentary regarding VPN from a phone into the home network...You need to be careful when testing from the same location as the home wifi. For some (maybe most ?) VPN - the phone needs to be connected ONLY to mobile data i.e. not connected with the home wifi.
In my own case: I can connect with VPN (using my iphone) from a remote location to my home wifi and access DWC without issue.
If I return home (and the phone connects to my home wifi) - I cannot connect using VPN (not that I'd need to). I use Chrome without issues.Having said that, it looks you might be using Mullvad VPN to provide outbound VPN.
Since it looks like you have tested both Chrome and Mullvad Browser - I'd be especially careful to make sure (when checking Chrome) that the Mullvad VPN services are totally disabled. There have been reports of poor interaction between Chrome and Mullvad VPN (e.g. inability to access certain sites). I think they are unlikely to be a factor - but you never know ...
@stuartofmt I don't try to control the sand table table from my phone, only laptop. The laptop has Mullvad VPN but I shut that off when accessing the table. I have found that using the Mullvad browser keeps the connection to the table working for better than an hour at a time, where Chrome drops the connection every few (5-10 , usually closer to 5) minutes. In the past I had the VPN running with local network sharing enabled. The connection would drop every 30 sec to 1 minute that way. When I disabled the VPN the connection would stay up for 5-10 minutes. I am using my home wifi network, not a direct connection to the Duet board. There's no VPN running on the router, just on specific computers on the network.
In the last couple years I have scoured all the posts about Duet2 wifi connection issues and have tried everything short of replacing the board to no avail -until I tried the Mullvad browser. AFAIK, the Mullvad browser is based on firefox with a bunch of security/anonymity stuff taken from Tor. Maybe there's something in there that makes a difference.
@mrehorstdmd this might be a function of how many concurrent HTTP connections the browser tries to open to the web server on the Duet. Are you using the latest version 2.1 wifi firmware on the Duet?
@dc42 I think so. I don't have the table here, but I'll probably be going to visit it later today. I'll check then. IRIC, the last time I updated firmware was about a year ago.