resume redundant extrusion
@Phaedrux, @bugpwr said in resume redundant extrusion:
youtube link at youtu be: c0CzmD-DGdg?si=Dh9AtsguJKMDB1lt to see the phenomenon in action. an overextrusion is clearly heard at 00:26
Link to video is In case you can't post links, I've upvoted your post, so you should have enough reputation now.
Yes, it certainly looks like it's over extruding. I can't see anything obviously amiss; gcode is using relative extruder moves, and there's not extra extrusion moves in resume.g. Any time you pause a print from SD card, the state of the print is saved to a special file on the SD card, sys/resurrect.g. Can you pause the print, copy that file and post it? Also, does the same thing happen if you pause and resume from DWC rather than Paneldue? What firmware version is the PanelDue running (check the 'Setup' screen)?
yes - same behavior with DWC and PanelDue. This has been around for a while. Also, if I may share my gut feeling of being around Duet systems - I believe this is very common. Not sure what's different (perhaps it's related to the fact I have a 2.85 system?). It may be that some people don't notice this because this "redundant" extrusion happens very fast - and often the extruder is upable to push the filament through, missing steps.PanelDue v3.5.5-v3-7.0
Ressurect follows:
; Resume printing file "0:/gcodes/1734786214211-cube_pla_6m41s.gcode" after print paused at 2025-01-19 08:36
M140 P0 S60.0
G29 S1
M568 P1 A2 S200 R200
M486 S0 A"Cube id:1190329520128 copy 0"
M98 P"resurrect-prologue.g" X335.750 Y205.250 Z6.900
M290 R0 X0.000 Y0.000 Z0.000
; Workplace coordinates
G10 L2 P1 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
G10 L2 P2 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
G10 L2 P3 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
G10 L2 P4 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
G10 L2 P5 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
G10 L2 P6 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
G10 L2 P7 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
G10 L2 P8 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
G10 L2 P9 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
M486 S0
M106 S1.00
G92 E0.00000
M23 "0:/gcodes/1734786214211-cube_pla_6m41s.gcode"
M26 S19185
G0 F6000 Z8.900
G0 F6000 X335.750 Y205.250
G0 F6000 Z6.900
G1 F1200.0 P0
M204 P450.0 T3000.0
M106 P2 S1.00
M302 P1
M24 -
@bugpwr said in resume redundant extrusion:
This has been around for a while. Also, if I may share my gut feeling of being around Duet systems - I believe this is very common. Not sure what's different (perhaps it's related to the fact I have a 2.85 system?). It may be that some people don't notice this because this "redundant" extrusion happens very fast - and often the extruder is upable to push the filament through, missing steps.
I don't think it's common, or the forum would be awash with people reporting it. Not to do with a 2.85mm filament either; I run a tool with 2.85mm filament, and haven't experienced this.
I can't see anything in the resurrect.g file that would be causing the double extrusion. Can you add a line to your "resume.g" to see if it's running twice? eg
; resume.g G1 R1 X0 Y0 F6000 ; move XY first to saved pos G1 R1 X0 Y0 Z5 F6000 ; go to 5mm above position of the last print move G1 R1 X0 Y0 Z0 F6000 ; go back to the last print move M400 ; wait for moves to complete M83 ; relative extruder moves G1 E10 F300 echo "If you see this twice, resume.g is running twice!"
I've had a good look through your config.g, and there are a few things worth changing, though I don't think they'll impact this issue:
- Motor settings
M350 X16 Y16:16 Z16:16:16 E16 C16 I1 ; configure microstepping with interpolation M92 X80.00 Y100:100 Z1600:1600:1600 E783 C80 ; these are the correct theoretical model. measured with orca calibration M566 X300 Y300:300 Z10:10:10 E320.00 ;120.00 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) M203 X10000.00 Y10000:10000 Z600:600:600 E1200.00 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min) M201 X6000.00 Y4000:4000 Z100:100:100 E450.00 ; set accelerations (mm/s^2) M906 X1200 Y900:900 Z1800:900:900 E900 C80 I15 ; set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in %. My extruder is rated for 1A
All of the above Gcodes should only have one parameter for the Y and Z axes. While the extra ones are usually ignored, it has caused issues in the past. eg see the notes for M350
RepRapFirmware does not support individual motor settings where an axis has multiple motors connected to different stepper drivers. The first parameter specified will be used for all motors on the axis. You should use identical motors on any axis that has more than one motor to avoid unexpected behaviour.
Also, you have different values for the motor current for the three Z motors in M906.
- Z probe
M558 P9 C"^zprobe.i^H^H^H^Hn" H5 F120 T6000 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds G31 P20 X-31 Y1 Z1.12 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height; lower Z means print higher. NOZZLE: 0.5 HF M375 ; load height map
Probably just a typo, but there's some stray characters in the M558 line
Also, you're probably getting a message at start up about 'a significant Z offset`, because you're loading a height map when Z isn't homed. Comment out the M375, and load the heightmap after Z home.
Once you've changed the above, send
M98 P"config.g"
and check if it reports any errors.If the issue persists, you may need to set up logging so we can catch what Gcodes are actually being sent.
First, thank you very much for the review of my gcode. I have removed the extra ":" entries except in case of motor currents, where different Z currents are on purpose: there are 4 motors connected to 3 controllers, I did not have a spare (also, I don't see a similar note on M906, though I guess I have been excessively optimistic). These changes had no effect on the situation unfortunately.
I have performed the "echo" experiment, no double execution of resume.g.
By the way, it would not have caused this result - because the speed of this "extra" extrusion is very different from F300 - it is really really fast.I have noticed a somewhat strange result of M114, not sure if related:
X:335.750 Y:194.700 Z:44.300 E:0.000 E0:76.4 Count 26860 19470 70578 Machine 335.750 194.700 44.300 Bed comp -0.188will go on with the logging and report.
not sure what I am doing wrong, but M929 S3 P"/sys/log.txt" did not produce any file.
Sorry my bad, here's the log that should include a couple of the pause eventslog.txt
@bugpwr said in resume redundant extrusion:
I don't see a similar note on M906,
It's the last note in the M906 notes.
I think we need the debug output of the Gcode module, rather than the system log (I don't think this will show much, and is rather impenetrable), which is summoned by M111
to see what is enabled currently (nothing), and enable the Gcode module. egM111 Debugging on for modules: Debugging off for modules: Platform(0) Network(1) Webserver(2) Gcodes(3) Move(4) Heat(5) Kinematics(6) InputShaping(7) Debug(8) PrintMonitor(9) Storage(10) PortControl(11) DuetExpansion(12) FilamentSensors(13) WiFi(14) Display(15) SbcInterface(16) CAN(17) Expansion(18) M111 P3 S1 Debugging on for modules: Gcodes(3 - 0xff) Debugging off for modules: Platform(0) Network(1) Webserver(2) Move(4) Heat(5) Kinematics(6) InputShaping(7) Debug(8) PrintMonitor(9) Storage(10) PortControl(11) DuetExpansion(12) FilamentSensors(13) WiFi(14) Display(15) SbcInterface(16) CAN(17) Expansion(18)
Debug output is normally sent to the USB port, so connect a PC with a serial terminal to the Duet, and hopefully you can capture if an errant Gcode is being sent on resume. Possibly turn on the 'Move(4)' module too. Hopefully this will give us a clue what is going on.
@droftarts for now - this is debug(3) output. Personally, I don't see anything criminal here:
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
HTTP: G1 R1 X0 Y0 F6000
HTTP: G1 R1 X0 Y0 Z5 F6000
HTTP: G1 R1 X0 Y0 Z0 F6000
HTTP: M400
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 K"volumes" F"v"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
HTTP: G1 E10 F300
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 K"volumes" F"v"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
File: G1 X316.25 Y205.25 E.39947
File: M73 P21 R5
File: G1 X335.75 Y205.25 E.39947
File: M73 P21 R5
File: G1 X335.75 Y224.7 E.39845
File: G1 E-.5 F2700
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
File: G1 Z5.2 F30000
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
File: G1 X335.75 Y224.75 Z5.2
File: G1 Z4.8
File: G1 E.5 F2100
File: G1 F1200
File: G1 X316.25 Y224.75 E.39947
File: G1 X316.25 Y205.25 E.39947 -
and this is the capture with move(4)
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
HTTP: G1 R1 X0 Y0 F6000
Transformed 316.25 224.75 25.20 to 25300 22475 40318 0
HTTP: G1 R1 X0 Y0 Z5 F6000
Transformed 316.25 224.75 10.20 to 25300 22475 16318 0
HTTP: G1 R1 X0 Y0 Z0 F6000
Transformed 316.25 224.75 5.20 to 25300 22475 8318 0
HTTP: M400
AddLin: st=3217650990 steps=3000.0
addlin 1 ts=3217650990 DDA: start=[316.250000 194.750000 25.238518 0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 25.198977 0.000000] s=3.0000e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.999999 -0.001318 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
a=2.2756e-9 d=2.2756e-9 reqv=1.0667e-4 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=1.0667e-4 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=328125 fp=4294967295 fl=0aa3
pp: td=3.000e+1 ad=2.500e+0 dsd=2.750e+1 a=2.276e-9 d=2.276e-9 ac=46875 sc=234375 dc=46875
Add seg: st=3217650990 t=46875 dist=250.00 u=-9.145e-9 a=2.276e-7 f=01
Add seg: st=3217697865 t=234375 dist=2500.00 u=1.067e-2 a=0.000e+0 f=01
Add seg: st=3217932240 t=46875 dist=250.00 u=1.067e-2 a=-2.276e-7 f=01
AddLin: st=3217650990 steps=-64.0
addlin 1 ts=3217650990 DDA: start=[316.250000 194.750000 25.238518 0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 25.198977 0.000000] s=3.0000e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.999999 -0.001318 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
a=2.2756e-9 d=2.2756e-9 reqv=1.0667e-4 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=1.0667e-4 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=328125 fp=4294967295 fl=0aa3
pp: td=3.000e+1 ad=2.500e+0 dsd=2.750e+1 a=2.276e-9 d=2.276e-9 ac=46875 sc=234375 dc=46875
Add seg: st=3217650990 t=46875 dist=-5.33 u=1.881e-10 a=-4.855e-9 f=01
Add seg: st=3217697865 t=234375 dist=-53.33 u=-2.276e-4 a=0.000e+0 f=01
Add seg: st=3217932240 t=46875 dist=-5.33 u=-2.276e-4 a=4.855e-9 f=01
pr 2 ts=3217650990 DDA: start=[316.250000 194.750000 25.238518 0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 25.198977 0.000000] s=3.0000e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.999999 -0.001318 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
a=2.2756e-9 d=2.2756e-9 reqv=1.0667e-4 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=1.0667e-4 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=328125 fp=4294967295 fl=0aa3
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 25301 21857 40332 to 316.26 218.57 25.21
AddLin: st=3217979115 steps=-24000.0
addlin 1 ts=3217979115 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 25.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 10.198977 -0.000000] s=1.5000e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
a=1.1378e-10 d=1.1378e-10 reqv=1.0667e-5 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=1.0667e-5 endv=1.0667e-5 cks=1453125 fp=4294967295 fl=0a81
pp: td=1.500e+1 ad=5.000e-1 dsd=1.500e+1 a=1.138e-10 d=1.138e-10 ac=93750 sc=1359375 dc=0
Add seg: st=3217979115 t=93750 dist=-800.00 u=-5.495e-11 a=-1.820e-7 f=05
Add seg: st=3218072865 t=1359375 dist=-23200.00 u=-1.707e-2 a=0.000e+0 f=05
pr 2 ts=3217979115 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 25.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 10.198977 -0.000000] s=1.5000e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
a=1.1378e-10 d=1.1378e-10 reqv=1.0667e-5 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=1.0667e-5 endv=1.0667e-5 cks=1453125 fp=4294967295 fl=0a81
Forward transformed 25301 22475 35920 to 316.26 224.75 22.45
Aux: M409 K"volumes" F"v"
Forward transformed 25301 22475 31482 to 316.26 224.75 19.68
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 25301 22475 26396 to 316.26 224.75 16.50
Forward transformed 25301 22475 20158 to 316.26 224.75 12.60
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
AddLin: st=3219432240 steps=-8000.0
addlin 1 ts=3219432240 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 10.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] s=5.0000e+0 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
a=1.1378e-10 d=1.1378e-10 reqv=1.0667e-5 startv=1.0667e-5 topv=1.0667e-5 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=515625 fp=4294967295 fl=0a83
pp: td=5.000e+0 ad=0.000e+0 dsd=4.500e+0 a=1.138e-10 d=1.138e-10 ac=0 sc=421875 dc=93750
Add seg: st=3219432240 t=421875 dist=-7200.00 u=-1.707e-2 a=0.000e+0 f=05
Add seg: st=3219854115 t=93750 dist=-800.00 u=-1.707e-2 a=1.820e-7 f=05
pr 2 ts=3219432240 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 10.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] s=5.0000e+0 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]
a=1.1378e-10 d=1.1378e-10 reqv=1.0667e-5 startv=1.0667e-5 topv=1.0667e-5 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=515625 fp=4294967295 fl=0a83
Forward transformed 25301 22475 15679 to 316.26 224.75 9.80
Forward transformed 25301 22475 12358 to 316.26 224.75 7.72
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
HTTP: G1 E10 F300
Transformed 316.25 224.75 5.20 to 25300 22475 8318 0
AddLin: st=3220006007 steps=7830.0
addlin 1 ts=3220006007 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] s=1.0000e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=5.3333e-6 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=5.3333e-6 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=1885417 fp=4294967295 fl=0b83
pp: td=1.000e+1 ad=2.778e-2 dsd=9.972e+0 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=10417 sc=1864583 dc=10417
Add seg: st=3220006007 t=10417 dist=21.75 u=-1.336e-7 a=4.009e-7 f=05
Add seg: st=3220016424 t=1864583 dist=7786.50 u=4.176e-3 a=0.000e+0 f=05
Add seg: st=3221881007 t=10417 dist=21.75 u=4.176e-3 a=-4.009e-7 f=05
pr 2 ts=3220006007 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] s=1.0000e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=5.3333e-6 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=5.3333e-6 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=1885417 fp=4294967295 fl=0b83
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
Aux: M409 K"volumes" F"v"
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
Transformed 316.25 224.75 5.20 to 25300 22475 8318 0
AddLin: st=3221948491 steps=7830.0
addlin 1 ts=3221948491 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 0.000000] s=1.0000e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=510417 fp=4294967295 fl=0b83
pp: td=1.000e+1 ad=4.444e-1 dsd=9.556e+0 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=41667 sc=427083 dc=41667
Add seg: st=3221948491 t=41667 dist=348.00 u=-1.336e-7 a=4.009e-7 f=05
Add seg: st=3221990158 t=427083 dist=7134.00 u=1.670e-2 a=0.000e+0 f=05
Add seg: st=3222417241 t=41667 dist=348.00 u=1.670e-2 a=-4.009e-7 f=05
pr 2 ts=3221948491 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 0.000000] end=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 0.000000] s=1.0000e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=510417 fp=4294967295 fl=0b83
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
File: G1 X316.25 Y205.25 E.39947
Transformed 316.25 205.25 5.22 to 25300 20525 8359 0
File: M73 P24 R5
File: G1 X335.75 Y205.25 E.39947
Transformed 335.75 205.25 5.21 to 26860 20525 8330 0
File: G1 X335.75 Y224.7 E.39845
File: G1 E-.5 F2700
AddLin: st=3222522240 steps=-1950.0
addlin 1 ts=3222522240 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 205.250000 5.224679 -0.000000] s=1.9500e+1 vec=[0.000000 -0.999999 0.001318 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=3.5200e-6 cks=949423 fp=17103 fl=0aaf
pp: td=1.950e+1 ad=4.444e-1 dsd=1.907e+1 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=41667 sc=872964 dc=34792
Add seg: st=3222522240 t=41667 dist=-44.44 u=1.712e-8 a=-5.120e-8 f=00
Add seg: st=3222563907 t=872964 dist=-1862.32 u=-2.133e-3 a=0.000e+0 f=00
Add seg: st=3223436871 t=34792 dist=-43.23 u=-2.133e-3 a=5.120e-8 f=00
AddLin: st=3222522240 steps=41.0
addlin 1 ts=3222522240 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 205.250000 5.224679 -0.000000] s=1.9500e+1 vec=[0.000000 -0.999999 0.001318 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=3.5200e-6 cks=949423 fp=17103 fl=0aaf
pp: td=1.950e+1 ad=4.444e-1 dsd=1.907e+1 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=41667 sc=872964 dc=34792
Add seg: st=3222522240 t=41667 dist=0.93 u=-3.604e-10 a=1.077e-9 f=00
Add seg: st=3222563907 t=872964 dist=39.16 u=4.485e-5 a=0.000e+0 f=00
Add seg: st=3223436871 t=34792 dist=0.91 u=4.485e-5 a=-1.077e-9 f=00
AddLin: st=3222522240 steps=312.8
addlin 1 ts=3222522240 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 205.250000 5.224679 -0.000000] s=1.9500e+1 vec=[0.000000 -0.999999 0.001318 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=3.5200e-6 cks=949423 fp=17103 fl=0aaf
pp: td=1.950e+1 ad=4.444e-1 dsd=1.907e+1 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=41667 sc=872964 dc=34792
Add seg: st=3222522240 t=41667 dist=7.13 u=-2.752e-9 a=8.213e-9 f=00
Add seg: st=3222563907 t=872964 dist=298.72 u=3.422e-4 a=0.000e+0 f=00
Add seg: st=3223436871 t=34792 dist=6.93 u=3.422e-4 a=-8.213e-9 f=00
pr 2 ts=3222522240 DDA: start=[316.250000 224.750000 5.198977 -0.000000] end=[316.250000 205.250000 5.224679 -0.000000] s=1.9500e+1 vec=[0.000000 -0.999999 0.001318 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=0.0000e+0 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=3.5200e-6 cks=949423 fp=17103 fl=0aaf
Forward transformed 25301 22475 8319 to 316.26 224.75 5.20
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 25301 22081 8326 to 316.26 220.81 5.20
Forward transformed 25301 21442 8339 to 316.26 214.42 5.21
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Transformed 335.75 224.70 5.18 to 26860 22470 8293 0
Forward transformed 25301 20644 8356 to 316.26 206.44 5.22
File: G1 Z6.1 F30000
AddLin: st=3223471663 steps=1560.0
addlin 1 ts=3223471663 DDA: start=[316.250000 205.250000 5.224679 -0.000000] end=[335.750000 205.250000 5.206129 -0.000000] s=1.9500e+1 vec=[1.000000 0.000000 -0.000951 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=3.5200e-6 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=3.5200e-6 cks=943115 fp=17141 fl=0aaf
pp: td=1.950e+1 ad=4.323e-1 dsd=1.907e+1 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=34792 sc=873531 dc=34792
Add seg: st=3223471663 t=34792 dist=34.59 u=2.816e-4 a=4.096e-8 f=00
Add seg: st=3223506455 t=873531 dist=1490.82 u=1.707e-3 a=0.000e+0 f=00
Add seg: st=3224379986 t=34792 dist=34.59 u=1.707e-3 a=-4.096e-8 f=00
AddLin: st=3223471663 steps=-29.0
addlin 1 ts=3223471663 DDA: start=[316.250000 205.250000 5.224679 -0.000000] end=[335.750000 205.250000 5.206129 -0.000000] s=1.9500e+1 vec=[1.000000 0.000000 -0.000951 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=3.5200e-6 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=3.5200e-6 cks=943115 fp=17141 fl=0aaf
pp: td=1.950e+1 ad=4.323e-1 dsd=1.907e+1 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=34792 sc=873531 dc=34792
Add seg: st=3223471663 t=34792 dist=-0.64 u=-5.235e-6 a=-7.614e-10 f=00
Add seg: st=3223506455 t=873531 dist=-27.71 u=-3.173e-5 a=0.000e+0 f=00
Add seg: st=3224379986 t=34792 dist=-0.64 u=-3.173e-5 a=7.614e-10 f=00
AddLin: st=3223471663 steps=312.8
addlin 1 ts=3223471663 DDA: start=[316.250000 205.250000 5.224679 -0.000000] end=[335.750000 205.250000 5.206129 -0.000000] s=1.9500e+1 vec=[1.000000 0.000000 -0.000951 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=3.5200e-6 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=3.5200e-6 cks=943115 fp=17141 fl=0aaf
pp: td=1.950e+1 ad=4.323e-1 dsd=1.907e+1 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=34792 sc=873531 dc=34792
Add seg: st=3223471663 t=34792 dist=6.93 u=5.646e-5 a=8.213e-9 f=00
Add seg: st=3223506455 t=873531 dist=298.92 u=3.422e-4 a=0.000e+0 f=00
Add seg: st=3224379986 t=34792 dist=6.93 u=3.422e-4 a=-8.213e-9 f=00
pr 2 ts=3223471663 DDA: start=[316.250000 205.250000 5.224679 -0.000000] end=[335.750000 205.250000 5.206129 -0.000000] s=1.9500e+1 vec=[1.000000 0.000000 -0.000951 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=3.5200e-6 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=3.5200e-6 cks=943115 fp=17141 fl=0aaf
Transformed 335.75 224.70 5.18 to 26860 22470 8293 0
Transformed 335.75 224.70 5.88 to 26860 22470 9413 0
File: G1 X335.75 Y224.75 Z6.1
Transformed 335.75 224.75 5.88 to 26860 22475 9413 0
File: G1 Z5.7
Transformed 335.75 224.75 5.48 to 26860 22475 8773 0
File: G1 E.5 F2100
Transformed 335.75 224.75 5.48 to 26860 22475 8773 0
File: G1 F1200
Transformed 335.75 224.75 5.48 to 26860 22475 8773 0
File: G1 X316.25 Y224.75 E.39947
Transformed 316.25 224.75 5.50 to 25300 22475 8798 0
File: M73 P25 R5
File: G1 X316.25 Y205.25 E.39947
File: M73 P25 R5
File: M73 P25 R4
File: G1 X335.75 Y205.25 E.39947
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 25658 20526 8353 to 320.73 205.26 5.22
Forward transformed 26093 20526 8345 to 326.16 205.26 5.22
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 26551 20526 8336 to 331.89 205.26 5.21
AddLin: st=3224414778 steps=1945.0
addlin 1 ts=3224414778 DDA: start=[335.750000 205.250000 5.206129 -0.000000] end=[335.750000 224.699997 5.183259 -0.000000] s=1.9450e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.999999 -0.001176 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=3.5200e-6 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=947079 fp=17168 fl=0aaf
pp: td=1.945e+1 ad=4.323e-1 dsd=1.901e+1 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=34792 sc=870620 dc=41667
Add seg: st=3224414778 t=34792 dist=43.23 u=3.520e-4 a=5.120e-8 f=00
Add seg: st=3224449570 t=870620 dist=1857.32 u=2.133e-3 a=0.000e+0 f=00
Add seg: st=3225320190 t=41667 dist=44.44 u=2.133e-3 a=-5.120e-8 f=00
AddLin: st=3224414778 steps=-37.0
addlin 1 ts=3224414778 DDA: start=[335.750000 205.250000 5.206129 -0.000000] end=[335.750000 224.699997 5.183259 -0.000000] s=1.9450e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.999999 -0.001176 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=3.5200e-6 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=947079 fp=17168 fl=0aaf
pp: td=1.945e+1 ad=4.323e-1 dsd=1.901e+1 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=34792 sc=870620 dc=41667
Add seg: st=3224414778 t=34792 dist=-0.82 u=-6.696e-6 a=-9.740e-10 f=00
Add seg: st=3224449570 t=870620 dist=-35.33 u=-4.058e-5 a=0.000e+0 f=00
Add seg: st=3225320190 t=41667 dist=-0.85 u=-4.058e-5 a=9.740e-10 f=00
AddLin: st=3224414778 steps=312.0
addlin 1 ts=3224414778 DDA: start=[335.750000 205.250000 5.206129 -0.000000] end=[335.750000 224.699997 5.183259 -0.000000] s=1.9450e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.999999 -0.001176 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=3.5200e-6 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=947079 fp=17168 fl=0aaf
pp: td=1.945e+1 ad=4.323e-1 dsd=1.901e+1 a=5.120e-10 d=5.120e-10 ac=34792 sc=870620 dc=41667
Add seg: st=3224414778 t=34792 dist=6.93 u=5.646e-5 a=8.213e-9 f=00
Add seg: st=3224449570 t=870620 dist=297.92 u=3.422e-4 a=0.000e+0 f=00
Add seg: st=3225320190 t=41667 dist=7.13 u=3.422e-4 a=-8.213e-9 f=00
pr 2 ts=3224414778 DDA: start=[335.750000 205.250000 5.206129 -0.000000] end=[335.750000 224.699997 5.183259 -0.000000] s=1.9450e+1 vec=[0.000000 0.999999 -0.001176 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.020486]
a=5.1200e-10 d=5.1200e-10 reqv=2.1333e-5 startv=3.5200e-6 topv=2.1333e-5 endv=0.0000e+0 cks=947079 fp=17168 fl=0aaf
Transformed 316.25 205.25 5.52 to 25300 20525 8839 0
File: M73 P25 R4
File: G1 X335.75 Y224.7 E.39845
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 26860 20674 8328 to 335.75 206.74 5.20
Forward transformed 26860 21407 8314 to 335.75 214.07 5.20
Aux: M409 F"d99f"
Forward transformed 26860 21968 8303 to 335.75 219.68 5.19[Warning: 7644 received bytes dropped.] -