Simulation/practice playground
Getting into an older Rostock running DWC. Wanting to build and work on the filament loading macros. Before I run GCODE through the machine I'd like to test somewhere I won't break anything.
I have Duet setup on my own r pi 5. Is there anything I can do to fake it into thinking there's a controller board attached? Or, some other avenue to have a sandbox for GCODE macros?
Basically, I just want to play with the GCODE without worrying about driving a nozzle through a bed.
Would it work to just disable the heaters and do a dry run?
@Phaedrux Maybe? Part of the complicating factors is that the Rostock is at my makerspace and I don't have easy access. Was hoping for a software only solution, but I think there isn't one.
I had a LLM jerk me around for a whole day saying that DSF_SIMULATION=1 is some magic environment variable that would let me setup a fake software only congif, but that didn't work. The promise of it is what I was looking for, though.
No there isn't a software RRF emulator.
@Phaedrux k thx
I use a blender gcode addin for my simulations.
Its mainly designed for simulating timelapses of multicoloured prints.
I might enhance it at some point to more accurately simulate E and other axis movements, plus some of the RRF macro logic capabilities.
Link to current published version here.