Trouble Shooting - not sure where to start
Brief intro- at the beginning of the year I was helping my son switch to a PT100- we couldn't get it to work and then our schedules just didn't allow time to fool with it. We're back at it now but are having issues we didn't have 8 months ago.
When we turn the printer on, the PanelDue now turns on for a brief second and then turns off. I can hit reset and same thing comes on and then turns right back off.
We also can't connect to it through web browser. Network settings haven't changed.
I thought about just starting over and starting following the set up guide. How ever it recommends using the latest firmware, we are on 1.17e. I followed the guide but was stuck at the creating the macros file for the network settings. How to you create a macro file?
So I'm not sure should I just get it working first before screwing with firmware?
Suggestions? Do you need more info?
Thanks for the patience.
To create a macro file all you need is a simple text editor like notepad on windows. Just save the file with a .g extension, or no extension at all, and then place it on the SD card in the macros folder.
That should let you get through to the network setup.
I think it might be a good idea to just get it verified working before embarking on a firmware update. If you get stuck, you can always to the fall back firmware update to wipe the board and start fresh.
If you put the SD card in a PC does it have any files on it?
Thanks for all the help. Got it updated to 1.19 and wifi module started and connected
I can connect when USB is still connected Webcontrol comes up, but cannot connect once I disconnect the USB.
The commands in YAT return the IP address and says it's connected. I see it on my router.
Off to research that.
@twotone said in Trouble Shooting - not sure where to start:
I can connect when USB is still connected Webcontrol comes up, but cannot connect once I disconnect the USB.
Are you providing 12V or 24V power, and is the on-board 5V regulator enabled? The blue VIN LED, red 5V led and green 3.3V led should all be illuminated.
@dc42 12 volts
All the leds are lit.
Yes the jumper is on to enable 5v -
@twotone said in Trouble Shooting - not sure where to start:
Got it updated to 1.19 and wifi module started and connected
Don't stop at 1.19. Now that you're on the modern track, updates are a lot easier. A lot of progress has been made in the newer firmwares.
Just taking baby steps, want to get the thing back up and running.Right now it's only connecting through USB.
Without the USB connection, it shows up on the router, just can't connect to it.
@twotone said in Trouble Shooting - not sure where to start:
Just taking baby steps, want to get the thing back up and running.Right now it's only connecting through USB.
Without the USB connection, it shows up on the router, just can't connect to it.
What happens when you try to connect to it, by entering the IP address reported by your router in the address bar of your browser? Can you ping that IP address?
@dc42 page not displayed and I can't ping the duet
If you send M552 from USB, does it report that the network is connected, and the IP address?
Do you have a set of compatible DuetWebControl files in folder /web on the SD card in the Duet?
@dc42 I may not have the file structure correct as the SD was accidentally formatted and I'm trying to rebuild it.
Just so you can see here is the YAT window when I follow the step up instruction:
All those .g files should be in folder /sys, not in the root. The config.json file is not needed on the SD card.
It's very unusual to have the address set to, because that is typically what the access point itself uses. Did you force that IP address in the M587 command you used to specify the network SSID and password, or has your router allocated it to the Duet?
The /www folder needs to contain the files and subfolders from a recent file.
@dc42 The IP came from the router.
Do you think the config files in the wrong folder is the issue?
The config files not being in /sys will prevent it from executing the commands in config.g, including any commands to auto-start the network.
That was it, thanks for all the help
Now to start over with the PT100 always reading 2000
See if you haven't already. That page covers the firmware configuration too.
@dc42 I have- you tried to help in another thread- all test are fine yet it still doesn't work- it why I walked away from the printer for a few months.
It's wired correctly using two cat5 pairs that are twisted and run in separate tower with no other wires.
At the board:
1-4 104 ohms
2-3 104 ohms
1-4 .009 volts
2-3 .009 voltsnot shorts to out case of PT100. I have two PT100, both behave the same.
Config file has the M305 P1 X200.
Also behaves the same on either channel.
I've googled and read through just about every thread I've found from others with the same issue.
With 100 ohm resistor in pin 2-3 jumpers 1-2 3-4 I get -1.4 degrees.
With one of the PT100s wired in place of the resistor 22 degrees.So what's left me baffled is where is the problem in the wiring from the board to the PT100 in the heater block when all the measurements check out.
@twotone said in Trouble Shooting - not sure where to start:
With one of the PT100s wired in place of the resistor 22 degrees.
That's about "room temperature" and therefore sounds correct.
@danal I understand. My point is every single test individually is correct. Yet put it all together and it doesn't work.
That is where I'm puzzled. That PT100 has the same resistance as the one in the hotend measured at the board.
The only thing I can think of is perhaps the voltage isn't high enough? Waiting for David to take a look at the post since I can't find anywhere that lists what the voltage should be.
Can you post photos of how the cat5 cable ends are connectd, to the PT100 at one end and the daughter board at the other end?