heaters turn on at the same time?
It sounds like what you want to do is turn on the heaters and only go into wait mode once the last (and slowest heater) has reached target temperature before returning control to the Duet.
M104 sets hot-end temperature and immediately returns control
M109 sets hot-end temperature and waits for target temperature to be reached before returning control.M140 sets bed temperature and returns control immediately
M190 sets bed temperature and waits for target temperature.If you know what the heating times are to the various temperatures you use, you know which heaters get to temperature fastest. Those heaters should be the first ones to set, using the immediate-return M commands. Then set the slowest heater with the set-and-wait M command. Use the custom gcode entry blocks in the slicer.
@anidal I could do with a bit more information on how you have tools and heaters configured so suggest you post your config.g file.
Assuming you use a separate heater for each tool, then one way you could do it is configure a "dummy" tool to use all three heaters. e.g. M563 P3 Dn:n:n H1:2:3. Then set the active and standby temperatures for that tool and select it at the start of the print - before changing to the tool you want to use.
That's just a suggestion - one of us might be able to come up with something better once we know a bit more about your set up.
Edit. Or similar to what @mrehorstdmd has just written. If you want to heat all the tools concurrently, you could do something like
M104 Snnn
M104 Snnn
M104 SnnnThat will start all tools (or more precisely all heaters associated with tools) to start heating at the same time (or at least as fast as the processor can run those commands - within a few nano seconds or some such).
@deckingman said in heaters turn on at the same time?:
M104 Snnn
M104 Snnn
M104 Snnnhm. Sliser can
t make this code. He can generate only 1 line to 1 heater. I use G10 command, but it is
nt enable heaters.
On my old hardware (Mega) and old firmware (Repetier) M104 command can handle additional parameters T#, tool number. But Duet cant`t handle M104 with T -
@anidal said in heaters turn on at the same time?:
@deckingman said in heaters turn on at the same time?:
M104 Snnn
M104 Snnn
M104 Snnnhm. Sliser can
t make this code. He can generate only 1 line to 1 heater. I use G10 command, but it is
nt enable heaters.
On my old hardware (Mega) and old firmware (Repetier) M104 command can handle additional parameters T#, tool number. But Duet cant`t handle M104 with TYou asked quote - "Tell me how to set up a start slicer script so that all heaters turn on at the same time?"
So my suggestion was that you would put those commands in your slicer start script. Or define the tool that I suggested, then call that tool from the slicer start script.
Has the question now changed to something else?
Ok. I try to use this metod. Thanks you.
Note that if you don't set the standby temperature if you switch tools it will drop to a standby temp of 0 on the inactive tools. I can't remember whether M104 sets standby temps or just active...
To avoid this you can use G10 to call out a specific tool and explicitly set the standby temps as well, then select them in order with Tn P0 to avoid running tool change macros:
G10 P0 S235 R235 ; set tool0 to active 235, standby 235 G10 P1 S235 R235 ; set tool1 to active 235, standby 235 G10 P2 S235 R235 ; set tool2 to active 235, standby 235 T0 P0 ; select tool 0, don't run tool change macros T1 P0 ; select tool 1, don't run tool change macros T2 P0 ; select tool 2, don't run tool change macros This is similar to what Ian suggested but in 'native' RRF gcode format with a bit more granular control. It will result in all three tools heating up to 235 and T2 active.
If you want a particular tool active at the end instead of T2, just put the relevant tool change command at the bottom.
If you wanted to also heat the bed up just add it as a M140 Snnn Rnnn in the same format as above.
M140 S120 R0 ; set bed to active 120, standby 0 M116 H0 ; optional wait for bed heater to reach target temperature M116 is the RRF equivalent of the M190/M109 command (wait for X temp). Used like so
M116 P0 ; wait for tool0 to reach temperature M116 P1 ; wait for tool1 to reach temperature M116 H0 ; wait for bed heater to reach temperature etc.