Homing all wacky on my Maestro [SOLVED]
The Z-value of 2133.33 is what the configurator set when I input my printer specs, so I hope so...
But could that affect the direction or the fact that the Z-axis moves when I press the home button fΓΆr X- or Y-? None of the axis was near min or max when I tested this. -
Wouldn't it move move the z axis so that the nozzle doesn't hit the printed object or bed when homing?
Did you check and make sure the endstops are all working correctly?
I don't know, but not 25mm right? It doesn't on my Delta, but that's a completely different setup, so i guess that isn't applicable here...
End stops work, but how would that affect it when it's not near any end? I'm probably missing something here and as I said, I'm not very good with gcode or scripts, so if I sound thick, You know why
@bikerbuz said in Homing all wacky on my Maestro:
Geeetech Mecreator2
according to this it should be 400 not 2133
the reason it moves so much for you is that the home script moves the z axis down by 5 mm. since your steps are so wrong you get 26mm.
Ahh. That would explain that part of the problems. Thanks Veti.
I followed a guide for the setup, that I can't find again, so it might have been removed for beeing bogus...
Then hopefully it's just the thing I need. I'll try it when I get home tonight and post back with results.Br,
Bo -
Sorry to say that the only things that changed when setting Z-value to 400 was that the bed moved less and the faint "ticking" sound is now gone
It still responds the same weird way, moving Z- no matter which home button I click.I tested the movement by gcode (G0 X100 and then G0 X0 and then the same for Y- and Z-) again and it behaves exactly as it should.
I also re tested the end stops and they work properly.I tested the X- end stop by using the "Test Fans" preinstalled button in the web interface also and that too works just as expected.
However, when I do a G0 X100 and press the end stop mid way there is no reaction at all? It still goes the full 100mm. Shouldn't it stop when I do that? -
I tried a G28 after moving the axis by hand then a "G0 X0Y0Z0" to set the zero point and that does the same thing as clicking a home button
@bikerbuz said in Homing all wacky on my Maestro:
However, when I do a G0 X100 and press the end stop mid way there is no reaction at all? It still goes the full 100mm. Shouldn't it stop when I do that?
No. End stops are only active during G1/G0 moves that use the S1 switch like in the homing files.
You may want to go through this commissioning guide for cartesian printers.
As well as https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Test_homing_behaviour
and https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Connecting_endstop_switches -
the default homeing from the configurator contains a z 5 mm move down to move anything out of the way. that is normal.
I got frustrated and tore the wiring apart and reconnected everything once again. Ran the tests all over again.
Everything was 100% (just like before) except for that I got no response at all from the Z- end stop. I replaced the wiring for that end stop and it responded fine.I started the printer and thought I'd try "home all" just for fun, before I did any testing. Eureka
Homing works perfectly now
The only thing bugging me is that a faulty wire could consistently work in end stop tests, and just as consistently fail in homing tests...
@Veti Thanks for Your help and suggestions. They made me think twice about trusting some random post, instead of coming here for help.
It sure put me in the right mood to try solving this! It's greatly appreciated.@Phaedrux Thanks for the links, I'll read them all through carefully when I get a little bit more time to spare.