PanelDue 5" 1.22.1 beep startup tune playback problem
Thank you. It doesn't make a difference. Turning the printer on or using the emergency localy on the paneldue I don't get beeps.
starting manually on the paneldue a macro file containg the beeps plays them back fine on the panel due. -
I keep my tunes in a macro then use this command to play them :
M98 P/macros/Music/name-of-file , where Music is a folder under macros and name-of-file is tune to be played.
M98 can be placed anywhere e.g. start.g, end.g, config.g etc.
Do this but place your M98 command further up in your config.g before any movement commands you may haveThat should work!
I have tried that now with the M98 as you have suggested, it still happens the same thing.
It does no sound at all on startup or on local paneldue emergency button
It still plays beep sounds on the paneldue:
on local paneldue macro start
on web frontend macro start
on web frontend emergency buttonDoesn't matter where I place the M98 in the config.g .. it always happens the same thing.
Sorry about that.
Maybe it is something to do with your paneldue firmware? -
Thank you very much for your ideas.
The sound issue is not that important, I am just wondering what is wrong here.
In the next few days I 'll try a downgrade of the paneldue firmware to check if this solves the issue.
I think on sturtup the code is executed quicker than the initialization of the PanelDue. You have to add some seconds of waiting before the first M300 sound
That would be my startup tune.
Try adding a delay before the beeps start to give some time to the system to finish starting up. I think the reason it's working on the emergency stop is that it's a warm reboot instead of a cold boot.
M400 ; clear buffer G4 S5 ; pause 5 seconds You may have to play around with the delays between beeps as well. There are a few occasions where some beeps don't play, or it ends too soon. But generally works ok.
I think @Phaedrux is correct. When the Duet and PanelDue are started, it takes a few seconds for PanelDue to connect. Until it does, any sounds generated won't be sent to PanelDue.
@phaedrux said in PanelDue 5" 1.22.1 beep startup tune playback problem:
That would be my startup tune.
Try adding a delay before the beeps start to give some time to the system to finish starting up. I think the reason it's working on the emergency stop is that it's a warm reboot instead of a cold boot.
M400 ; clear buffer G4 S5 ; pause 5 seconds You may have to play around with the delays between beeps as well. There are a few occasions where some beeps don't play, or it ends too soon. But generally works ok.
Thank you very much for the nice tune and the fix. It is working very well now in all cases with the pause set to 6 seconds.
Thanks to all for the quick help. -
I'm glad it's working. The M400 command isn't needed, because G4 waits for everything to stop anyway.
@dc42 said in PanelDue 5" 1.22.1 beep startup tune playback problem:
The M400 command isn't needed
Good to know. It's a hold over from when I was originally trying to get it to work.