Can't change current for new stepper
OK, I'm puzzled. Just installed new steppers for X, Y, & E (17HS19-2004S1) on my CR-10S / Maestro setup.
I'm setup with 24v to Maestro from Meanwell P/S (tuned to 27vdc currently, Maestro max is 28, would like to move down to 26.5 just for safety margin). Steppers are 2A, @dc42 suggested I try running detuned to 1A. Here's my config.g drivers section:
; Drives
M569 P0 S1 ; Drive 0 goes forwards
M569 P1 S1 ; Drive 1 goes forwards
M569 P2 S1 ; Drive 2 goes forwards
M569 P3 S1 ; Drive 3 goes forwards
M569 P4 S1 ; Drive 4 goes forwards
M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 U16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation
M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E112 U400.00 ; Set steps per mm NOTE - FOR BONDTECH CLONE E418.67
M566 X1000.00 Y1000.00 Z12.00 E300.00 U12.00 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 X12000 Y12000 Z600.00 E1200 U600.00 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 X500.00 Y250.00 Z16.60 E166.00 U16.60 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2)
M906 X1000.00 Y1000 Z700 E1000 U700.00 I30 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in %
M84 S30 ; Set idle timeoutNote I currently am NOT on the Bondtech.
I've changed the M906 value for E from 700 on old stepper to 1000. Actually started at 900 since I'd prefer it skip steps on a clog than grind the filament (a suggestion from @dc42 ).
Problem is, I was calibrating E Steps and I kept getting skipped steps despite only extruding at 5mm/sec!
PolyLite PLA (Diameter a bit small - 1.738 avg) 180-230Β° ; I'm set at 210 (up from 200 where it REALLY skipped)
Here's the macro I setup for E steps calibration:
G0 F300 ;Set the feedrate to 300mm/minute (5MM/SEC)
G0 E100 ;Extrude 100mm FilamentNow all that LOOKS OK to me but it was still skipping. Then I saw THIS:
Under Settings -> Machine Properties it clearly shows the extruder is set to 700ma !
I've changed the config file several times, warm booting each time, even did a full shutdown cold boot, no change.
I'm sure this is something as obvious as the nose on my face, but I ain't seeing my nose. Thoughts?
I donβt see M584 to define the U axis.
Is that missing? You need to explicitly define the extruders and U.
@bot said in Can't change current for new stepper:
You mean this one?
; Define Axis ;
M584 X0 Y1 Z2:4 E3 U4 P3 ; With Second Z motor defined as U axis on E1 driver, P3 to hide it1st line of my config.g , left it out since I didn't think it applied ...
Hey are you stalking me?
Ahh I figured you may have just left it out. Yes I'm stalking you. Look out your window!
When I go to look something up on the forum, I always check "recent posts" first to see if there is any answer I can quickly help with. This time it didn't work out and now I've ruined everything!!
Well, it's certainly not the 1st time I've been tracked by a bot. Thanks anyways!
If you send M906 and M913 in the console, what does it respond with?
@puterpro said in Can't change current for new stepper:
M906 X1000.00 Y1000 Z700 E1000 U700.00 I30
I doubt this would be the problem but is it OK to put non integer numbers here? maybe delete the 2 ".00".
@puterpro said in Can't change current for new stepper:
U axis on E1 driver
I'm not 100% sure, but I think this might mean you have to define the axis in the order of the drivers, so U would come before E since U is E0 and E is E1. I could be out to lunch on that though. @dc42 ?
@phaedrux said in Can't change current for new stepper:
@puterpro said in Can't change current for new stepper:
U axis on E1 driver
I'm not 100% sure, but I think this might mean you have to define the axis in the order of the drivers, so U would come before E since U is E0 and E is E1. I could be out to lunch on that though. @dc42 ?
E is not an axis because extruders are treated separately from axes. So the order of defining U and E doesn't matter.
@puterpro said in Can't change current for new stepper:
M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E112 U400.00 ; Set steps per mm NOTE - FOR BONDTECH CLONE E418.67
Problem is, I was calibrating E Steps and I kept getting skipped steps despite only extruding at 5mm/sec!Your E steps/mm indicate that you have an ungeared extruder. Such extruders need high motor torque. So turn the E motor current up to 1200 or 1300mA and provide fan cooling to the Maestro. You may even need to buy a motor with a lower rated current, so that you can run it closer to max current/max torque.
When you install the Bondtech extruder, you won't have this problem because it uses 3:1 gearing.
@dc42 said in Can't change current for new stepper:
Your E steps/mm indicate that you have an ungeared extruder. Such extruders need high motor torque. So turn the E motor current up to 1200 or 1300mA and provide fan cooling to the Maestro. You may even need to buy a motor with a lower rated current, so that you can run it closer to max current/max torque.
I'm running the Maestro in the cooled case I modded (you saw it) with dual 40x20mm fans and a guided air channel under the drivers. MCU reports 37-39Β°C.
I intend to go back to a Bondtech, but I foolishly bought a clone (I know better) and it's got a problem with the housing.
That doesn't explain why the current is staying set at 700ma when M906 in config.g is set to 1000ma,
that's my problem - I change it and it's not changing!! -
@Phaedrux - Just for fun, I tried your suggestion of M906 & M913. Good call (show off, LOL)!
I get 1000ma showing for E and all are running 100%, but when I go into the Machine Properties in settings it's still showing 700 as in the picture above!!
It's not not changing (love double negatives), it's not being reported by DWC properly!
@dc42 - DWC has a bug in the Machine Properties display, it's not updating when current values are changed. BTW - I'll try 1100ma and perhaps 1200 and keep a close eye on the temps. I think I'll attach a K-Type Thermocouple to the top of the E driver while I print and monitor it with a Bench DVM.
I'll report back on how it does, lets see how this cooled box performs in the real world, eh?
@genghisnico13 - Thanks for giving it a shot! I noticed that too, but I seem to recall that was put in by the RRF configurator originally so I never bothered to remove it. I'll take it out because it bothers my mild OCD ... LOL!
@genghisnico13 said in Can't change current for new stepper:
@puterpro said in Can't change current for new stepper:
M906 X1000.00 Y1000 Z700 E1000 U700.00 I30
I doubt this would be the problem but is it OK to put non integer numbers here? maybe delete the 2 ".00".
Yes non integer numbers are allowed. However, motor currents are rounded to a multiple of 100mA on Duet WiFi/Ethernet and 50mA on the Maestro. It rounds down, unless you are only a little below the next multiple.
@dc42 - Any idea why the Machine Properties page isn't updating with the newly assigned currents?
@puterpro said in Can't change current for new stepper:
@dc42 - Any idea why the Machine Properties page isn't updating with the newly assigned currents?
I presume it means that page only sends the rr_config command to read the configuration once. If you reload DWC in your browser, it should pick up the new values. You can also send M906 with no parameters from the GCode Console to get a readback of the motor currents.
@dc42 said in Can't change current for new stepper:
If you reload DWC in your browser, it should pick up the new values.
Ummmm, nope. That's what I'm reporting. Warm boot or even cold shutdown doesn't change the values.
M906 reports properly. -
Strange, it's working for me:
- Load DWC 1.22.6 by entering the IP address in the browser followed by /reprap.htm (because I normally run DWC 2.0, which has no Machine Properties page)
- Check XYZE currents on Machine Properties page
- Go to GCode Console page and use M906 to change the currents
- Go back to Machine Properties page, the new currents are displayed
EDIT: but if I send the M906 command from the box at the top of the browser window when I am on the Machine Properties page, the displayed current doesn't update until I switch away from the Machine Properties page and back. So it looks like DWC only fetches the motor currents each time I switch to the Machine Properties page.
@dc42 - Well, let me check what version of DWC I'm on. If you look up earlier in this thread you'll see a screen grab of what I'm seeing. I just changed the current to E1100 and M906, then rebooted as suggested. I then reloaded the browser page also for fun.
Same problem, M906 displayed correct values, Machine Properties still look like the screenshot above.
EDIT: 0_1555159821794_DWC Info.txt
BTW - You need to fix the title of the RRF 3.0 post.
Here's my current setup:
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 Maestro
Firmware Electronics: Duet Maestro 1.0
Firmware Version: 2.02RC5(RTOS) (2018-11-28b1)
Web Interface Version: 1.22.5Should I update my Firmware?
Yes. 2.02 release and DWC 1.22.6 are current.