RepRapFirmware 3.0
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
multiple homing switches per axis are supported natively,
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
I will add a facility to cause an emergency stop if any axis endstops are triggered unexpectedly.
Now this is getting interesting for use with CNC. However my router currently runs off 48V, what voltages can we expect for the Duet 3?
No build for Maestro boards yet? I'll happily test when that is available.
@bearer said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
Now this is getting interesting for use with CNC. However my router currently runs off 48V, what voltages can we expect for the Duet 3?
The current plan is 30V or perhaps 36V. It's difficult to find 5V buck regulator chips that accept higher than 40V input.
No build for Maestro boards yet? I'll happily test when that is available.
I have a build for the Maestro but it is completely untested at present.
I would like to suggest a migration tool. Some "simple" software or web app that reads your current configuration files and points out things that need attention or change.
@brunofporto said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
I would like to suggest a migration tool. Some "simple" software or web app that reads your current configuration files and points out things that need attention or change.
Sadly that would probably be a never-ending project. There are just too many configurations. So I've concentrated on making the common configurations easy to migrate.
OTOH a "sanity checker" that looks for obviously missing or obsolete parameters on GCode commands in config.g would be possible.
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
OTOH a "sanity checker" that looks for obviously missing or obsolete parameters on GCode commands in config.g would be possible.
This should be enough
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
I will add a facility to cause an emergency stop if any axis endstops are triggered unexpectedly.
@bearer said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
Now this is getting interesting...
Interesting indeed! As long as it's configurable by endstop.
- RRF 3 supports multiple endstop switches on axes (one per motor) natively. You no longer need to split axes during homing.
This would imply that if you have only 1 motor you can't have 2 endstops (maybe a min and a max). Just curious why.
@gtj0 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
This would imply that if you have only 1 motor you can't have 2 endstops (maybe a min and a max). Just curious why.
No, you can have multiple axis endstops even if there is just one motor. There is currently no way to tell the firmware that you have separate min and max endstops; but I might add this later.
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
@gtj0 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
This would imply that if you have only 1 motor you can't have 2 endstops (maybe a min and a max). Just curious why.
No, you can have multiple axis endstops even if there is just one motor. There is currently no way to tell the firmware that you have separate min and max endstops; but I might add this later.
That would be welcomed (since that's what I have)
X and Y have 2 motors per axis and each have min and max endstops.
Z has 3 motors, 3 max endstops and a piezo probe. -
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
The current plan is 30V or perhaps 36V. It's difficult to find 5V buck regulator chips that accept higher than 40V input.
why not says that for input above 30V the 5V line has to be supplied via the ext 5V?
The expansion board doesn't have an ext 5V input.
This post is deleted! -
I have made new builds of RepRapFirmware 3 available:
Duet WiFi/Ethernet:
Duet Maestro: before, use these with caution! In particular, test your endstops and Z probe before relying on them. See for required configuration changes.
The Duet Maestro build also has some improvements to the menu system:
- Fan speeds, print speed modifier and extrusion rate modifier have '%' displayed after them automatically
- New item 534 is the current IP address in one go (to replace items 530, 531, 532 and 533)
- New item 535 is the percentage of the current SD card file completed
- New item 536 is the estimated print time remaining, based on the percentage of the file that has been completed
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
@catalin_ro said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
Even with the new firmware I would have to separate the two axis for the G0 Y0.09 command that compensates for the difference in switches positions. It would be nice to have, maybe only during homing and only while in relative mode, the possibility to issue a command like G0 Yaaa:bbb (the final retract, after the slow speed pass, a single G0 Y1.09:1.00 would handle the situation, combining the precise gantry alignment with the small retract). Alternatively, a solution for specifying a per axis alignment offset would be equally good, with immediate compensation through applying the corresponding number of steps.
That could be done, but it's a lot of work to do for just one or two users. It is really that difficult to adjust one of the endstop positions or add a shim to get them both to trigger at the same point?
Well, trying to achieve such a precision (0.09mm) when positioning the homing switch is really tricky, at least with classical mechanical switches. There are some cylindrical ones, similar to the NPN/PNP sensors and those can be indeed positioned very precisely. On the other hand, I'm on the same wave length with you - it is not worth making something really special for just few users as long as the solution already exists and it requires just a few extra lines in a macro. Things get significantly simpler by having to do the split, precise tune and recombine of the axis only for the alignment difference.
In my dual Y axis setup I have also installed limit switches (connected in series to the homing ones) to handle possible configuration problems and missed steps. If an axis has multiple steppers and multiple homing switches, will the M581 defined triggers handle them properly?
RRF 3 doesn't yet implement M581. I intend to change M581 to work with a single input, also I will add a facility to cause an emergency stop if any axis endstops are triggered unexpectedly.
The idea to specially handle the homing/limit switches is the best from my point of view. If it would trigger a macro, if present, instead of the emergency stop, it would be even better. There might be situations when hitting an endstop requires special action or, on the contrary, none at all (I have messed up myself quite a few jobs by mistakenly touching one of the endstops!) - after all the spindle end everything else could be stopped through the macro and the user could be asked for possible actions through some messages.
The special handling of the endstops also simplifies the homing scripts because of the no longer required M581 commands!
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
It's difficult to find 5V buck regulator chips that accept higher than 40V input.
How about takeing 2 stages? 40V->buck to 12V-> buck to 5V
Many uses 12V fans and LED's and other accessories, it was one of the main selling points for me for the duex5 -
Metrol offers switches with repeatability as small as 1 micron. Iโm using 3 micron repeatability switches. Sure, they cost a bit but if you only need one itโs reasonable. Like $60 usd iirc for 3 micron.
This may be already implemented but I've not seen it explicitly stated.
On a RailCore, because a single motor causes a diagonal move, it is possible to install two limit switches, probably Y axis and then move to home the Y axis so it is perpendicular to the X axis?
Furthermore, can there be an homing switch offset to compensate for the likely case where the two limit switches are not in exactly the same relative position so when the carriage is homed, it can be made perpendicular?
@bot said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
Metrol offers switches with repeatability as small as 1 micron. Iโm using 3 micron repeatability switches. Sure, they cost a bit but if you only need one itโs reasonable. Like $60 usd iirc for 3 micron.
Omron also has some very precise ones. But what would you use it for? If the motors are strong and do not loose steps within one print, it would not matter if the next print after a restart is slightly on a different place on the plate, or?
@lb said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
@bot said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
Metrol offers switches with repeatability as small as 1 micron. Iโm using 3 micron repeatability switches. Sure, they cost a bit but if you only need one itโs reasonable. Like $60 usd iirc for 3 micron.
Omron also has some very precise ones. But what would you use it for? If the motors are strong and do not loose steps within one print, it would not matter if the next print after a restart is slightly on a different place on the plate, or?
I use a Metrol precision switch on my Z axis where it most certainly is important that homing is accurate.
Yes, in most cases it is not necessary. I need to align two idex print heads, and so I chose to do it precisely the first time every time.
I also used them for all my homing switches. This should allow me to re-home the printer, in the case of power failure or something, and continue printing without being more than 3 microns off, in theory. In reality, the switches' positions will differ by more than 3 microns due to thermal expansion alone, if the ambient temp increases or decreases, but it's easier to control ambient temp than variability of a cheap microswitch.
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 3.0:
I have made new builds of RepRapFirmware 3 available:
Duet Maestro: testing shows endstops, probing, motion, fans and heaters work as expected. Actual printing to follow, but waiting on some warranty replacements from Tiertime for that to work.