Uploading code files from Simplify3D to DuetWiFi using scripts?
Was talking with a friend earlier who is using the "Post Processing" feature of Simplify3D to upload his saved gcode files to his Octoprint server, wondering if there is any way I could use this feature to upload gcode files to my DuetWiFi?
In the instance of my friend he is uploading the files using curl with an API key to octoprint:
[[language]] curl -k -H "X-Api-Key: [his api key]" -F "select=false" -F "print=false" -F "file=@[output_filepath]" "http://octopi.local/api/files/local" && rm "@{output_filepath}"
I'm sure I've seen somewhere in the past about ways to upload files to the duet, but I can't find it now?
The DWC readme lists all the rr_…. commands:
https://github.com/chrishamm/DuetWebControl/blob/master/README.mdIt's a good place to start.
Thanks gents!
Did anybody ever figure out how to upload from simplify3d directly to duet?