[DSF Extension] Exec On MCode (was: Shutdown SBC)
Release v5.0
This release updates
and thus is only compatible with Duet Software Framework 2.1.0 and later.New Features
- A new command-line paramter
to output the version and exit
Bug fixes
- After a handled code is intercepted and before the assigned command is executed
will be called to make sure we are in sync with the machine
It can be downloaded as usual from GitHub Releases page
- A new command-line paramter
So many possibilities, so little time. I'd like to take a week off from my day job to do all the things that things like this can enable.
Release 5.1
This release makes
compatible with Duet Software Framework 2.2.0 and later.It can be found at GitHub Releases page as usual.
got this error
dial unix /var/run/dsf/dcs.sock: connect: no such file or directory
any idea?
Sorted it out! The PI has to be connected to the Duet!
made a little videos how to install it. Mainly for my own reference later
@wilriker are the parameters capped at 3? If not, what are there limits? Thanks
@oozeBot It should be at least 23 (every upper-case letter except G, M and T). Possibly also every lower-case letter, but I never tried that.
The application itself has no enforced limit.
I posted a response a few minutes ago, but deleted it after I finally realized my mistake..
One note on this that's worth mentioning is the % in the service file has to be escaped like %%. Here is an example file:
[Unit] Description=Duet API listener Test After=duetcontrolserver.service Requires=duetcontrolserver.service [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/execonmcode -mCode 4567 -command "./test.sh %%A %%B %%C" Restart=always RestartSec=10 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Is this compatible with the latest beta?
@docbobo said in [DSF Extension] Exec On MCode (was: Shutdown SBC):
Is this compatible with the latest beta?
Yes, it is. Though it's not built according to the DSF Plugin Specs, yet.
@wilriker Good afternoon, I'm a newbie in the RFF/Duet world and I'm starting to move in all directions but I realize I need more helpt than expected....I want to install this https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/19225/timelapse-video-through-execonmcode?_=1604845400929
on my Rapsby to have the capability to take timelapses of my prints. It is based on execonmcode...I am not a Raspberry/Linux expert too so I'm in trouble to undesrtand what I have to do...I have read the README.md contained in the latest version of the execonmcode but I don't exactly what to do
- this is maybe the most stupid question you have ever heard: execonmcode has to be installed in the Raspy not in the Duet's SD, right?
- Have the Raspy being connected via USB to the Duet or is enough that both are connected to the same LAN via WiFi?
- To make the script work I have understood I have to make it work as a service and configure it like this:
Description=Duet API listener for Timelapse Video by oozeBot
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/execonmcode -mCode 5575 -command "./scripts/timelapse.sh %%A %%F"
but on github I can't find documentation about services and about where ti write down the previous lines of code I found just in the readme:
- Optional: use the
systemd unit (included in the repo) to run it at startup and let it shutdown the SBC (customize to your liking)
but here again I haven't understood why now you call it shutdown again...
I now maybe I'm asking too much but could you help me understanding?
Andrea -
@the_dragonlord This has to be installed on a raspberry pi connected to a duet board through SPI.
Therefore it only supports duet 3's or duet 2 that have been modified to use an SBC connection.
It will not work with a standard duet 2 ethernet or wifi. -
@jay_s_uk said in [DSF Extension] Exec On MCode (was: Shutdown SBC):
@the_dragonlord This has to be installed on a raspberry pi connected to a duet board through SPI.
Therefore it only supports duet 3's or duet 2 that have been modified to use an SBC connection.
It will not work with a standard duet 2 ethernet or wifi.uh.....so it's not enough an USB connection between them....ok...
it relies on the duet software framework to work.
This would work for what you want https://github.com/DanalEstes/DuetLapse -
@jay_s_uk said in [DSF Extension] Exec On MCode (was: Shutdown SBC):
it relies on the duet software framework to work.
This would work for what you want https://github.com/DanalEstes/DuetLapsethanks!
Is this still the easiest way to issue commands on the pi in SBC mode? Or has a native way been implemented in RRF in recent releases? Just wanted to check before investing time and effort in something that's obsolete
Hah! Too late, I'm already neck-deep in implementing it
@wilriker How do I make it execute the command and exit right away and return success without having to wait for the command to complete? I tried sending my command to background with & but that doesn't appear to work. I'm trying to get it to run a process which continues through the duration of the print, but executing the M code just causes it to hang until the process is complete. I thought it would be execAsync, but that gives me an error on the command line saying that's not a supported flag
I need this in my life!
I was going to do something evil with file monitoring but this is much more direct.
I'm planning to use it to run some Python to calculate a bed heightmap to enable probing magnetic beds with irregular optimal probing locations.