Using E3D PT100 amplifier possible?
Is there an easy way to make the Duet WiFi work with these?
Asking as I have 2x E3D PT100 amplifier boards + pt100 sensors lying around and all attempts at using Thermocouplers has failed… thought about buying the pt100 amplifier board, but can see the same issues with thoese (2000c readings), so am a bit loath to buy a new daughter board if it doesn't work either, and would at least test some first using the E3D boards.
When you purchase the Duet Wifi add the PT100 daughter board, the sensor goes directly to this board and negates the E3D amplifier board. If the daughter board produces the same signal as the E3d board that would be nice because I have a few also.
With thermocouples, the problem is inductive noise pickup. You need to use twisted thermocouple wire all the way back to the daughter board, and keep the thermocouple wires away from all stepper motor wires and/or use twisted pair for the stepper motor wires too.
Inductive interference pickup is much less of a problem with the PT100 because the signal voltages are much higher. A few users have needed to use shielded cable to avoid capacitive interference pickup, but i get good results using ordinary unshielded 4-core cable.
For the op, you can't use the e3d pt100 boards with the Duet. They are 5V not 3.3V and won't interface properly with the thermistor inputs.
For the op, you can't use the e3d pt100 boards with the Duet. They are 5V not 3.3V and won't interface properly with the thermistor inputs.
Thank you for the answer