[HELP] How to use DueUI without a Duet using chrome
@gtj0 ok thank you, another question is how can I manage containers? For example to create a barmenu etc. I suggest you to write all this stuff in the wiki
@gtj0 Just put them in the same directory as the top level html file and you can use the button example above. "value": "<img src='/my_icon.png'/>" doesn't work, maybe I didn't understand correctly, an example for '/my_icon.png' please -
ok i had to resize the image... is there a way like on css to self crop the image specifying the size in pixel or in percentage?
Another problem is that by setting an image as value this is not centered and remains some colored margin.... -
@Dario02 You have complete control over the styling with the "style" attribute. Almost anything you can do in CSS you can do with "style". See the example in https://github.com/gtjoseph/DueUI/wiki/Element
@gtj0 ok I'll check thank you, please could you check why If I put an image to a button the image is not centered and doesn't cover the whole button even if I resize it in photoshop?
@Dario02 At the time the screen is painted, the browser might not know what the size of the image is.
Let's say your image is 128x128 but you want it to display as 32x32 in a button that's 8 pixels bigger (40x40):
{ "id": "my_button", "type": "button", // Set the size of the image "value": "<img src='my_icon.png' width='32' height='32'/>", // Set the size of the button "style": { "width": "40px", "height": "40px", "padding": "8px", }, },
You'll have to play with the style (CSS) to get it to display the way you want.
Thank you very much,
I'm on tracks.
I'm modifying your file.
I was looking for a way to modify the layout of dwc but your way is easier.
Thank you again. -
@gtj0 how to fix this errore?
Could not retrieve config from -
@Dario02 said in [HELP] How to use DueUI without a Duet using chrome:
@gtj0 how to fix this errore?
Could not retrieve config from the file actually exist in the /sys/ directory on the Duet?
If not, you need to either place the file there, or change the "DueUI config file URL" in Settings to point to the correct config file. -
@gtj0 the file is in the sys folder, how can I see the exact url????
@Dario02 You're using a Duet in standalone mode yes? No Raspberry Pi attached?
If so, that should be the URL. Can you just enter that URL in a browser and get the file? How about ? -
I'm using the duet connected via ethernet and the url you gave me doesn't work
wait . . . -
@gtj0 I'm using duet 2 ethernet connected via cable and the url you gave me works...
I assume I have to give that url but with the json file's path -
@gtj0 it works, I don't know if it's because you changed the file name with dueui_config_default_standalone.json that didn't work
@Dario02 Ah OK. You can use the DuetWebControl to see the files on the Duet's SD Card.
@gtj0 yay, now it's working fine, I have to "study" how to use elements etc
@gtj0 is there a way to modify the config.json without removing the sd card?
@Dario02 Sure. Use the DuetWebControl and go to "File Management, System". You can upload files and even edit the config.json file right from there.
@Dario02 Oh don't forget, the file doesn't actually have to be on the Duet. You can have it anywhere as I described above.
@gtj0 ehm... how should I use dwc if I can't see it?? I just received my duet and I'm not well informed... My last question is "how can I setup my DUEUI for a 7" rpi lcd?