Fan Problem - Blown Board?
Yes the slider is the same as sensing m106.
@Phaedrux I've taken molex off fan header connections and attached direct to 24v. All fans/wiring okay. My mistake about speed - it's just a quiet - ish fan.
That's maybe something if m106 and the sliders have no effect?
send M106 P1 H-1 and heatsink fan comes on. No change to WebGUI controls
M106 P1 S0 fan stops (WebGUI speed sliders - no effect)
M106 P1 S1 fan on (WebGUI speed sliders - no effect)
M106 P0 S1 no change to part cooling fan - still off -
@Phaedrux Tried the following:
fan0 Molex into fan2 header
config.g changes
; M106 P0 S0 I0 F500 H-1 ; Disable FAN0: Set fan 0 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off
M106 P2 S0 I0 F500 H-1 ; Set fan 2 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off;Tools for p0
; M563 P0 D0 H1 F0
M563 P0 D0 H1 F2It seems to work!
It sounds like the Fan0 mosfet got damaged when the fuse was blown.
@Phaedrux Yeah. Nothing physically obvious. What also confused me was the 2 Fans on the WebGUI. I didn't notice that one was Tool Fan and the other Fan 0, which are the same. I thought one was the heatsink fan, which thinking about it now wouldn't make sense as it's not speed controllable. Thanks for your help.
You can post a close up high res well lit clear photo of the fan port area so we can see if there is any damage.
@Phaedrux Hope it's clear enough.

ErrorInput file contains unsupported image format
Can you try putting the photo on dropbox or google drive or something like that?
Nothing really visible, but it may still have failed.
if you have a multimeter putting "multimeter mosfet" into google will show you how to test the mosfet properly its a little involved so doesn't make sense to repeat what google can tell you
@bearer Thanks I will check as I have now visually blown P3. Also P1 stopped working. So all 3 now not working! Is there anywhere in the UK that I can send the board to get it fixed?
(I bought pre-wired connectors, but I didn't see that although the connectors were compatible at the hot end the polarity was reversed to the fan. I wouldn't have thought that switching the fan polarity would have blown anything - the fans would just spin the wrong way).
@Gary said in Fan Problem - Blown Board?:
@bearer Thanks I will check as I have now visually blown P3. Also P1 stopped working. So all 3 now not working! Is there anywhere in the UK that I can send the board to get it fixed?
Send me a PM, I can replace the mosfets.
(I bought pre-wired connectors, but I didn't see that although compatible at the hot end the polarity was reversed to the fan. I wouldn't have thought that switching the fan polarity would have blown anything - the fans would just spin the wrong way).
Unfortunately, brushless DC fans don't work like that. A few types just don't work when connected the wrong way round, but most of them present a short-circuit.
@dc42 Thanks for the info about the polarity. That now makes sense! I bought some PMV20XNER MOSFETs, but the size of them is way beyond my capability.
I tried to PM you, but I get then message "This user has restricted their chat messages. They must follow you before you can chat with them"
Try now.