Tool setup: Motor, Extruder & Heater mapping
@dc42 I did not see the 5V lit, I was wondering why it failed to turn on. The only light indication is the Vin blue LED. I have removed the setup from my black box to get a clearer image of the setup.
Assume the RJ11 is connected to the CAN_out on the duet3 I also have a heater, and a motor connected via molex. Pardon the image quality, however, the jumpers seem to be appropriately placed. I am grabbing 24V 15A from a power supply to my distribution board. Does anything stand out as to why the board doesn't show the 5V red LED or cannot be addressed using M115 B121/B10?
@dc42 When you brought the 5V LED to question I had checked the power supply and it was not operating as expected. My issues stem from the most trivial solution. Does it have power
glad you found the problem!