Connect OLED display to stepper motor
I wonder if any of you have experience/tried to add those 0,96” OLED displays for a standard nema stepper motor ? (In my case: e3d super whooper)
I know it is possible to buy complete servo kit from BIGTREE, but what I am looking for is to add it to a normal stepper motor.
I know it is strange idea, but it looks super awesome
, so why not ?
Many thanks for any help/guidance !
to display the information like rpm, you would need a closed loop setup.
this would mean you would loose the ability to use the duet tmc stepper drivers.bigtree sells the closed loop board without the stepper motor
for connecting external stepper motors. -
Whats the end goal? The display doesn't really do anything usefull unless coupled with a driver.
As linked to you can buy the board and use with any stepper, but its much much more than just a display.
I see, thanks for the heads up! Since you already recommended earlier the standard stepper motor setup against of the closed loop one, I would not sacrifice that just for having the displays. Many thanks!
@bearer said in Connect OLED display to stepper motor:
Whats the end goal? The display doesn't really do anything usefull unless coupled with a driver.
As linked to you can buy the board and use with any stepper, but its much much more than just a display.
Just purely for fun, as I had written it. No real function, but as Veti pointed out, since its only for closed loop, I need to drop this.
@coolice2020 said in Connect OLED display to stepper motor:
I need to drop this.
Don't give up on your dreams.
there is a new version canbus support.
there is a chance that someone will write support for it for the duet3.
But still not a good idea, since the stepper driver on it is a A4950, so it will be noisy.
If you'd just install the encoder and power the board, but drove it via the normal 4 wire stepper driver, wouldn't the screen at least show the RPM?
Yeah, thats what I was afraid of. Thats life, at least for now
Excellent question, but I am afraid, I dont know.