Duet 3 6HC Rev. 1.01 Faulty
I've done everything that was mentioned.
- Board Updated to 3.2 Beta 4.1 (Tested in Standalone Mode, no Problems)
- DuetPi freshly installed (+added ssh.txt, +added wpa_supplicant)
and Updated via unstable branch to 3.2 Beta 4.1 => OK! - DuetPi Connected to Duet3 Board => Again, no Problems while Hotends heating (M303) or Movenments, Homing etc.
- BUT when i start M303 for the Hotbed => it's exactly like the Picture from 1.Dec.2020 above. Many Many Connection Losses.....
When i Turn on the Hotbed i get Errors like DCS Stopped, Connection Lost and Connection established again...
as soon as i set the Bed Temp to 0 (off) the Problems STOP! Immediately!i don't understand!...
Can you give some more details on your bed, the mosfet, and the wiring?
Bed is the Original 24V Bed from Anycubic.
Mosfets are the Original Ones either..Today i made the conversion from Mosfets to the V_OUT Connections on the
Duet itself... maybe the Mosfets are faulty....
but after Powering the Printer and looking on DWC now i get
lots of Communication Lost Errors (see above...) WITHOUT Powering the bed?! i Checked everything again... no Issue there. -
It sounds to me that there is a ground loop in the power wiring. Please provide photos showing how you are providing power to the Pi, the Duet, and the bed heater circuit. Also please confirm that you do not have any independently-powered devices (for example a PC) connected to the Duet or the Pi via USB.
@dc42 Thanks, below some Pictures of the Wiring!
Power Supply 3 Rows 24V
- Row Bed Heater Mosfets
- Row Pi Powersupply 15W
- Row to Duet Board
on Bottom Right you see the Power Supply for the Pi, i also tried another Pi Power Supply
direct driven from the Wall Outlet without any Changes....Now i've the Mosfets back in the Cabinet... the 15A Fuse of the Duet seems to weak for the bed and blows after 10-20 degree heatup....
after having the Mosfets back in the Printer the Connection Loss Issues are still
high frequently.....Nothing else is powered / Connected from the Pi or from the Duet! only everything
on the Photos... -
I Have disconnected everything from the Board except the Ribbon Cable to the Pi
and the PanelDue.
The Communication Errors are still coming every Second!
Connection Lost, Connection Established... and so on and so on...Tried with another Pi and another Ribbon Cable! Same Thing
I am wondering why they doesn't came that frequently yesterday night....????
they almost just came when i heated up the bed.... but now it's horribleis it possible to get another Board to confirm that's not the Board? maybe Repair?
Thanks for the pictures. Your power wiring looks OK to me. I really don't think it's the Duet that is the problem.
Are you sure that the PSU is capable of driving that bed heater? If it was blowing the fuse on the Duet quite quickly, it must have been taking 20A or more. Perhaps the PSU is cutting out and the Duet is resetting.
Could there be a short in the bed heater, or between the bed heater element and the aluminium bed plate of you have one? What type of bed heater is it?
When the connection is lost, does the bed heater turn off?
When the communication gets lost the Heater is still Heating, although M303 is working with all that Communication Loss Errors (no Header)
The PSU is the Original One so i think there must be plenty of Room for the Power...
(1000W 24V)
i was also surprised that the fuse was blown... i dont measured the Bed Amps but
i found that the Bed must have around 300-400W (i hope that's correct)
so around 12-16AThe Thing is it doesn't matter if all is connected to the board or when i disconnect everything from the Board.... i have Communication loss Errors every second!
So the Bed Heater doesn't have to Play with it to get hundreds of Errors...
(yesterday i thought so... but today i'm not sure what to think...) -
@NeueKlasse said in Duet 3 6HC Rev. 1.01 Faulty:
i found that the Bed must have around 300-400W (i hope that's correct)
so around 12-16Athe max current on the bed is 15A. So you ware most likely exceeding that.
measure the resistance of the bed and subtract the resistance of the multimeter with no connection
Yep the Fuse is only 15A (Mosfet on the Duet is rated for 18A i think) but even with
that (i had just tested the Option without extra Mosfets...) i had Communication Errors..Measured the Bed... 1.5 to 1.6 Ohm, so at 1.6 V/A ... the Bed drawn Current must be around 15A
This post is deleted! -
What does the Point SPI Overruns/Underruns say? (M122)
Although, is it possible to exchange the board? I need the Printer to work..
I remembered that i had connected the Duet and Pi4 in that way that the Duet supplies the Pi 5V before i put everything in the printer...
Then i wanted a extra Powersupply to not overload the Duet...Today i disconnected the Pi Powersupply and added the needed Jumper... et voila... problems seem gone.
I don’t understand why? I tried the original Pi power supply and even with this i had communication losses ....
I hope the board is tough enough...
the board was originally designed with the pi 3 in mind and not the pi 4. The pi 4 requires more power compared to the pi 3 so its really advised to use a separate psu to power the pi
The problem is it doesn’t work with my board ..
and i don’t understand why ..Maybe it’s possible to cut the int5V and use the external 15W Powersupply together mit the 5Vext connector??
So.. how much Current is the Int 5V capable of?
and how much current does the Board in Ext 5V Mode work with? The documentation lacks of information thereThe Communication Errors are completely gone with the Int 5V Jumper! 10Hour Print without Problems... the Toolchange is slow (directly switch from t1 to t0 without waiting for temps (pre and past toolchange script empty) gcode file without additional commands... the change can take from 3s to 20s
@NeueKlasse said in Duet 3 6HC Rev. 1.01 Faulty:
So.. how much Current is the Int 5V capable of?
and how much current does the Board in Ext 5V Mode work with? The documentation lacks of information therehttps://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet_3_Mainboard_6HC_Hardware_Overview#Section_Operating_limits
@NeueKlasse said in Duet 3 6HC Rev. 1.01 Faulty:
the Toolchange is slow (directly switch from t1 to t0 without waiting for temps (pre and past toolchange script empty) gcode file without additional commands... the change can take from 3s to 20s
Have you anything in the tfree files?
Oh Thanks, 5V3A mentioned... and what about external 5V power, is it the same thing there? -
If you are applying external power, then the current taken is the quoted 200-300mA from the Duet itself, plus anything you have connected to the IOx, LED strip or Laser/VFD connectors that draws power from them.