Stepper motors , does the polarity matter ?
If the phases are correct does the polarity matter ?
Just doing a little wiring between a Ender 5 plus and a Duet 3 mini +.
Looking under the board and the pin layout it says .
IB/1A/2A/2B with a swapping of the middle 2 pins going to the motor ,
1B/2A/1A/2B , but the Duet diagram say B-/B+/A-/A+ , so if I swapped the middle pins I would get B1/A1/B2/A2 , Does polarity matter if one of the phases are reversed ? Or do I need to wire it exact ?. -
@peter247, polarity doesn't matter. If reversed then the motor will just move the other direction.
You do need to make sure that the two wires that are meant for the same motor coil end up at the same motor coil. -
@jens55 Yep I know the phases are correct , but can't figure out which is X minus and X plus , so it don't matter , just a case of the motor running in the other direction ?
@peter247, correct.
When you test your duel z motors. If it runs the wrong way chainge direction in the G code ,, i assume you have two motors and yes its possable to have one running the opposite of the other z motor (incorect wiring) in that case you must rewire so both turn the same direction it does matter that both motors on your z run the same direction. So "when" they do and if they turn the the wrong direction chainge it in your your gcode. go to system tab on the dwc user interface open your config .g file.
Under drives youl see (M-569. P0 S0.) By changing
S0 to S1 will chaing the direction of all your stepper. As far as XYZ and X is concerned.. its the same for all. Also for double Z motors. Both z motors should turn same directoin if they dont cainge one motors wiring then correct rotation on your config .g file hopefully this helps