BtnCmd-DWC Plugin - Customise DWC - v01.03.08 01-03-25
@cosmowave Great. Thanks for coming back with the info requested.
The behaviour you are experiencing is not typical/normal. Normally the buttons and hover text are on top/in front of everything (and as you suggest they are already coded that way explicitly)
Now we have eliminated some of the variables (screen resolution etc) can you confirm the following for me:
In Global Setting can you make sure "enable selections in settings" is on:
Then in layout mode add a new button and edit its settings. Try and change the type. Does it look like this:
Or are the options missing?
@mintytrebor Thanks for answering.
When i remember me correctly, i have disabled the "Enable Selections in Setting". Because i had problems with the corresponding scrollable selection window. It was not scrollable with the mouse.In layout mode, i think, the "button types" looks like in your picture. But i'm not 100% sure...
I will check it on my machine today evening.
@cosmowave If your memory is correct then I am afraid you are suffering from the known issue in the Release Notes. The fix is posted here (see the last post).
Its a local level issue with the installation of DWC, and the only solution we found was to essentially delete the whole www/dwc folder and re-install. We theorised its left over files/old versions of framework files from previous firmware/DWC upgrades. Its not a BtnCmd issue.
This actually makes some sense given you have had issues installing the plugin.
Can I also suggest you take some backups of your config files/macros etc, just for safety - these kind of local level installation issues make me nervous about the integrity of the sd card.
@mintytrebor Ok. Thanks for the clarification. I will try to delete/re-install the files.
Normally i make backups from time to time... -
@mintytrebor You have written, that i have to delete the www/dwc folder.
You mean, that i have to take out my sd-card and delete the folder?How do i write the new www folder on the sd-card? Normally , until now, i have used the zip files with system upload...
Sorry for the late reply, and sorry for this eventually "idiot-question"!
@cosmowave yes, take out the SD card and delete the www folder.
extract the contents of DuetWebControl-SD into a new www folder -
@jay_s_uk Where can i find the "DuetWebControl-SD" File?
I only found ""Again, sorry for that question! I'm a little bit desorientated in github. because i don't use it often...
@jay_s_uk Thank you very much for the link!
@mintytrebor I have deleted the www folder and then re-installed the dwc package.
Then i was able to install the latest BtnCmd Version. But the problem with the info text behind the panels remains.
For me, that is not a big problem. I will erase the info text of the buttons, because i do not really need them.
Thanks for your help and time... -
@cosmowave very strange.
Can you also try removing dwc-settings.json?
it'll get recreated at boot -
@jay_s_uk Deleting dwc-settings.json had also no effect. The hover-texts, and sometimes the blue edit buttons, are still behind the panels.
I have deleted my hover texts. For me it's ok, when we close this problem... -
Is it possible to move tabs in layout or custom panel mode?
@cosmowave Use the clone tab feature - clone each tab in the order you want them to appear then delete the originals once you are happy.
I would take a backup first though
Edit: Be careful with this approach if you use it to re-order custom panels, it creates a new custom panel ID, which is used to embed them in normal layout tabs.
Now I'm wondering if I added any checks to prevent a custom panel deletion if it is use in a layout.. One to put on my list I think.
I have updated BtnCmd for version DWC 3.4 b2 which can be found with the existing release for DWC 3.3.
@MintyTrebor Is there an option to save and export plugin configuration so that custom layouts can be deployed on multiple machines
@chimaeragh gives you an option to name the backup file, you can then download/upload from the system folder through the existing DWC file browser interface.
@mintytrebor Thanks
I have used this plugin to create a simplified dashboard to control my CNC on a mobile phone as the default dashboard is too cluttered for me.
I would like to add movement buttons to another tab that I can set move distances like this
Any idea how this can be achieved?
@chimaeragh Possibly.... by using variables:
- Define A global variable
- Create a set of buttons that change the value of the global variable to a fixed value (0.01, 0.05 etc)
- Add an object model panel to display the current value of the global variable (
- Create a macro for each access movement (X+, Y- etc) using the global variable for the distance parameter.
- Create macro buttons for each axis movement macro. (X+, X- etc)