Use Out 0 for Hot End instead of Bed Heater
Since I am going to use a solid state relay for my bed heater, could I use Out 1 for the extruder Hot End and then use Out 0 for for my Extruder Hot end?
I'm currently getting set up for a regular Hemera hot end, but will soon move to a Super Volcano. And rather than have to use the separate MOSFET Board for the super volcano, I was figuring that Out 0 can handle the higher current.
And as I'm using a solid state relay for the bed heater, that Out 1 would be sufficient.
Would this be OK?
@guitartoys yep, thats fine. RRF3 is very flexible
Just choose the pins you want to use in the config tool.
Awesome, thanks. I just didn't want to have to install that separate MOSFET board if I didn't need to.
Thanks for pointing out the config wizard. I hadn't quite gotten far enough to look into that.