M571 Proper Use + Question
Firmware: 3.2.2
Duet 2 Ethernet + Duex5I have a few questions related to M571 (set output on extrude):
1). Is it necessary to first use M950 & C"nil" to free the desired pin?
I tried these in the following order but DWC replies that "e0heat is not free":
M950 e0heat C"nil" M571 P"e0heat" S1
2). How many instances of M571 does RRF allow? I have a pair of relays that i'd like to switch on when extrusion is active (both relays activated by a unique M571 command)
3). Last one is an issue I can't seem to solve related to M950 - I found that disabling any heater make my bed heater disappear from DWC.
For example:
M950 e0heat C"nil" M950 P0 C"e0heat" F10
replacing e0heat with any other heater makes my bed heater go away.
You don't have any parameter identifier before the e0_heat name.
Maybe M950 H0 C"nil"
Reference: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_M950_Create_heater_fan_spindle_or_GPIO_servo_pin
Can you share your full config?
Also might want to update to 3.3.
Upload to the system tab.
I don't think you need to use M950 at all. There are no default bindings for pins after 3.0, so no need to use "nil" unless it's already been defined previously.
Thank you all for the help.
I used M571 "e0heat" Qxx Sxx and it's working now. Also upgraded to 3.3 as @Phaedrux recommended.
@dc42 I'll admit, I have a specific use case that requires multiple components to turn on when extrusion (syringe) is active. No idea if it's feasible, but I would love to see multiple M571 commands supported so that each external component can have a dedicated output.
For now, my workaround is to define a M571 in tpreX.g for each tool. All my external components use 24v input, so I'll just connect all of them to the needed output and turn them on simultaneously.
Perhaps I'll move to the wishlist forum then.
@phaedrux Thanks!