Hi all
I think this easy question to you, but i am very thankfull if you can help before i start bigger update process.
I have quite old versions inside Duet because that old version work like a charm with my normal cartesian 3d printer.
My hardware:
Cartesian printer (2pcs z -axle motors)
Omron induction sensor working z-probe
Part cooling fan
Heated bed (12v)
Power supply 650W ATX (on / off pulse via Duet2) & Duet2 have own powersupply.Firmware now:
Duet2 firmware 2.03
wifi web server 1.23
web interface version 1.22.6Panel i7 touch panel not responding that one reason why i think update my whole system, if that get touch panel back to working.
Do you have any good hint/tips what is best order do new update this old firmware versions. What you think do i go 3.3 stable release or 3.4 beta? With i7 i think i go newest version. After this update i think i can update my panel too via web interface?
Here is my M122 command file and config file if they help.
@lassivv See https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/FAQ#Section_What_is_the_quickest_way_to_update_firmware_on_a_working_system_from_RRF_2_to_RRF_Num_3
Quickest way to update PanelDue is by USB, straight to latest. https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/PanelDue_Firmware_update#Section_Firmware_update_via_USB
Thanks for tips @droftarts
Now i get Duet2 Wifi updates ok. Not yet tested all moves and heat, because try to get this panel working before that. (firmware on duet 2 is now: 3.3)
Now try to update Paneldue with Bossa. Everything seems going like instructions tells. Then after new firmware i press reset button like instructions tells. Paneldue (i7) started ok and then white screen apper and up center display is black dot and center of display Touch the spot. Panel not responding any touch and not that is totally stuck there because cannot go anywhere because cannot "touch the spot".
I upload this firmware inside my paneldue: PanelDueFirmware-3.4.0-7.0i.bin
@lassivv try flashing PanelDue firmware 3.3: https://github.com/Duet3D/PanelDueFirmware/releases/tag/3.3.0
Possibly your frame is pressing on the edge of the screen? Try removing it.
@droftarts I remove that frame, but not helping.
Also install that 3.3 version firmware, not helped. Still not responding any touch input.
When and where did you purchase the PanelDue? It seems like the digitizer is not working.
I buy that directly from Duet website (sales@duet3d.com order confirmation arrived, https://www.duet3d.com/IntegratedPanelDue )
I buy that 2018 december, but start using that q4/2019 ja q1/2020 and use that printer quite little amount.
Was the PanelDue working previously? Is this the first time you've tried to use it?
hey @lassivv ,
newer version of paneldue need updated RRF versions. please check the release notes for details.
If you flash the paneldue 3.4 things should work fine with RRF newer or equal to 3.3.
Does everything work if you downgrade to you PanelDue-1.25?
If not please provide a detailed step-by-step description what you were exactly doing.
@Phaedrux Paneldue stopped working about 1-2months ago, thats way i started this firmware update if that repair that problem. Panel works ok 2020--> 10/2021 about.
@mfs12 Try update firmware Paneldue 1.24, but still not touch not working. User interface open with 1.24 firmware, but cannot click any buttons on screen.
step by step..
- Connect paneldue via USB to my computer.
- Then click erase button 2sec and after that click reset button.
- Then i check PAneldue com port (COM3)
- Then i open Bossa 1.9v
- Then i browse firmware *.bin ( https://github.com/Duet3D/PanelDueFirmware/releases?page=1 )
- Then i tick "Erase all", "Lock" and "Boot to flash".
- Then i click Write. Waiting that goes ok. After that click Verify.
- After that i close Bossa and click "reset" button Paneldue.
@Phaedrux, sounds to me like a hardware problem. Moving thread to paneldue forum.
@lassivv When and where did you purchase the PanelDue?
@phaedrux said in Touch of Paneldue i7 stopped working:
@lassivv When and where did you purchase the PanelDue?
@lassivv said in Touch of Paneldue i7 stopped working:
I buy that directly from Duet website (sales@duet3d.com order confirmation arrived, https://www.duet3d.com/IntegratedPanelDue )
I buy that 2018 december, but start using that q4/2019 ja q1/2020 and use that printer quite little amount.
@lassivv said in Touch of Paneldue i7 stopped working:
2018 december
Ah yes. That's quite out of warranty unfortunately.
Let's see if @DC42 has any ideas on what might need to be replaced/repaired to get the touch working again. Possibly a replacement LCD panel is an option.
I think this one may work, but I'm not certain. It seems to match the description.
@phaedrux Seems that linked one not have Atmel microchip and not have 4pin connector to Duet and not have USB connector.
Anyone any ideas or same like problems with i7 PanelDue?
@lassivv if it's just the touch panel that isn't working, then it should be possible to replace the touch panel instead of the whole screen. I'm sure there was a thread on how to do this a year or two ago in this forum. But first I suggest you try disconnecting/reconnecting the 4-pin connector CON3 in your photo in case it's just a bad connection.