Smart Effector setup issues
Hello all,
Board: Duet 2 WiFi (2WiFi) Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.3 (2021-06-15) Duet WiFi Server Version: 1.26 I have a Duet 2 Wifi and Smart Effector setup that I built a couple years back but with a move, new child, and work happening bw now and then I've barely had time to work on it. Now that things are settling down I have dedicated time to setting up and getting my Delta printer working with these awesome components. I have followed all the guides and perhaps I am over looking some stuff, but I could use some help.
Attached are my config.g, config-override.g, homedelta.g, and my bed.g files.
homedelta.gI have a few issues that I have been noticing after setting the trigger height.
Initially I had
set toH30
during the bed probing and it does great during this process, but when I change it back toH3
like the site suggests--the print head approaches the bed, stops 5mm (or 30 depending on theH
value) above the bed, and then it crashes into the bed when approaching the first probe point. If I leave theH30
in the M558 command, my Z 0 is ~30mm above the bed after probing.M558 P8 H5 R0.4 B1 F1200 C""
I have a slew of other issues to work through but the one that is driving me bonkers is the crashing into my bed. Also, after the print head crashes into my bed and I reset the machine, the Z-Position in the Webgui is doubled when I rehome the printer. I have to issue an M999 command to reset the machine after it homes to get the proper Z height.
I have looked through the forum/discourse page and cannot find specific resolutions to me problems. Any assistance or guidance on resolving my issues would be great.
There is an error with your endstop config
; Endstops M574 X1 S1 P"xstop" ; configure switch-type (e.g. microswitch) endstop for low end on X via pin xstop M574 Y1 S1 P"ystop" ; configure switch-type (e.g. microswitch) endstop for low end on Y via pin ystop M574 Z1 S1 P"zstop" ; configure switch-type (e.g. microswitch) endstop for low end on Z via pin zstop Those should be X2 Y2 Z2 to indicate the endstops are at the high end of travel instead of the low end of travel.
I think that should get you rolling.
Refer to these documents for your initial setup -
@phaedrux I really appreciate the help.
Funnily enough I was able to get it figured out and Zeroing and Probing correctly. I was even able to print (a messy one) a calibration cube, I'll need more calibration on the steppers and feedrate on the Zesty Nimble and I'll be set. Anyways, I read through the endstop documentation you posted and you were correct, the High End needing to be changed to reflect. So I changed it to:
; Endstops M574 X2 S1 P"xstop" ; configure microswitch endstop for high end on X via pin xstop M574 Y2 S1 P"ystop" ; configure microswitch endstop for high end on Y via pin ystop M574 Z2 S1 P"zstop" ; configure microswitch endstop for high end on Z via pin zstop I then saved and reset the machine. After booting, I
Home All
and noticed my Z position was off by 5-10mm reading 230 instead of 235. With that, I figured I needed to re-calibrate. So, I run through the Zeroing and trigger height calibration again. Now z position is off by 5mm and running through the zero and z-trigger height does not set my Z to 0, even after zeroing andM500 P31
to save to override file. Is there something that I am missing? -
@incidrthreat said in Smart Effector setup issues:
Is there something that I am missing?
I think you should probably start the delta calibration over from the top. Delete any saved calibration in your config or config-override.
@phaedrux Get out of my head! I was literally just thinking that as I sent the response. I'll report back if there are any issues. Thanks again!
@Phaedrux Redid everything and here is where I am having issues.
Attached are my override, config, bed, and home files. I am unsure of what I messed up, but it is consistently not probing the outer points. Outer probes don't touch/trigger but inner probes touch/trigger.
My height in the config file is 235mm (actuality is 233 and some change), but after I
Home All
, it resets to 230mm. Even after setting Z=0 and writing the trigger height to the override file, the homed Z height is still 230 leaving Z positioning to sit ~3mm above the bed.I am beyond stumped by this.
the homed height after homing the towers isn't likely to be exact. You should be doing an autocallibration or at least a G30 afterwards to establish Z0
Hi, I have a delta so I'll try to be useful...
The error that is blocking your right probing is this , in "config.g":
Rnnn : Radius to probeM557 R90 S20 ; define mesh grid The R parameter MUST be bigger that the value (radius) you set in bed generator.
Now , as you wrote , they are coincident so they come skipped.
Your radius is 140 so try M557 R120 S20 instead.Then, cosmetic stuff... I suggest you to erase the G31 line in the config-override and work for the zprobe in config.g for don't make splitted code. And leave geometrical and other auto-calibration in the override.
1)In config-override (remove this line and work in config.g):
; Z probe parameters G31 K0 P500 X0.0 Y0.0 Z-0.31 -What is in G1 "K0" for? in the wiky it is not mentioned.
I dont know if this can generate errors somewhere. Remove it.
-Try to set "Z-0.1" till you are not certain that all work as it should. Then you'll refine the stuffs.
-P500 . For the smart-effector this line is suggested G31 P100 X0 Y0 Z-0.1. (look at commissioning) config.g ,despite it come bypassed by the config-override.g ,change the Z from 5 to Z-0.1. 5 mean to fly too hight for the head.
G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z5
For the smart-effector this must be "P8" not "P5"...
M558 P5 R0.4 C""
For the axis limit set a negative value so that if your Z0 is too high (for some reason) and with babystep you have to go really close the bed , you'll can. Set it ex at Z-0.3.
; Axis Limits M208 Z0 S1 ; set minimum Z After you made those change to the code:
-power off , power on the printer.
-home (G28)
-run a single probe (G30). (it will be slow)
-keep the right height and write it in the override.g M666 H parameter.
-restart the printer
-run at least 3xG32
-in console type M665 for read the actual value and copy ONLY the R in the ovverride.g. (and leave the M666 to 0 for all the items)
In this way you will leave to the auto-calibration the job to recalculate the other parameters. In my experience if you put too much manual settings and they are not perfect , the result come even worse.
So basically for the M665 you can add manually : rod length , radius (after at least 3 calibration) , height.It's late here in Italy... I dont' know if there are more errors in your files... but I'll collapse .... try those change and let us know