New Input Shaping plugin v3.4.1-b1
@adamfilip by and large, the procedure is the same, with the distinction that the tooling around using the accelerometer on Klipper is (naturally) a bit more mature. Not many people do RRF videos though ... but there is not much to it.
- on belt driven axes, multiple peaks on one axis indicate something is loose and is adding additional vibrations. Trying to find those and fixing them is a valuable venture anyways.
- on kinematics combining drives such CoreXY it is desirable that the measured curves match, since it indicates similar tension. Do not confuse this with finding the right tension though. That is dependent on belt lengths and your motion system.
- On Cartesian systems, individual axes may have different curves.
- On RepRapFirmware -- other than klipper -- you can only set one input shaping algorithm, frequency, and damping setting. In practice, the damping factor is enough to cover the usual span of different frequencies on different axes.
- The InputShaping plugin visualizes the measured vibration per axis, but also a recommended frequency, and you can tell it to show the effect on the frequency graph by a given algorithm and damping factor. Ideally, the damping factor is as low as possible to reduce the effect of input shaping on speeds/accelerations that aren't inducing ringing.
- It's likely useful to retune PA after tuning input shaping since there is some interaction between InputShaping and PA.
@oliof As I had posted in another thread, I measured my frequencies and applied a shaper and measured again and it looked good. (I haven't posted my results, yet.) But when I printed a test part, the ringing was noticeably worse.
What would this be an indication of? Damping factor too high?
@tfjield very hard to say without seeing the curves and the before/after. It might be possible that you saw something on the graph that was just loose and overshadowed the actual measurement.
If all else fails, you can print the klipper ringing tower to validate what you measured.
@dc42 said in New Input Shaping plugin v3.4.1-b1:
@ratrig0331 thanks for your M122 report. I've seen this issue once before. I am fairly sure it is caused by problems with the accelerometer wiring that result in communication issues between the accelerometer and the Duet.
I still use the integrated input shaper that is integrated in RRF 3.4.2rc1 (2022-07-06), until I read about the input shaping plugin 3.4.1-b1 today and installed it right away.
After about 30 minutes of use, I had several disconnections with the new plug-in, which I did not have with the previous input shaping plug-in from RRF 3.4.2rc1 (2022-07-06), so I rule out problems with the cable.
I then turned my printer off and on again at the power switch.
After that everything was OK and I haven't had these disconnections anymore.Just for info, maybe it will help !?
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----- Original Text -----Ich nutze bis heute den integrierten Input Shaper der in RRF 3.4.2rc1 (2022-07-06) integriert ist, bis ich heute von dem Input Shaping PlugIn 3.4.1-b1 gelesen hatte und es gleich installierte.
Ich hatte mit dem neuen PlugIn nach etwa 30 Minuten Nutzungszeit mehrere Verbindungsabbrüche, die ich mit dem vorherigen Input Shaping PlugIn aus RRF 3.4.2rc1 (2022-07-06) nicht hatte, daher schließe ich Probleme mit dem Kabel aus.
Ich machte dann meinen Drucker einmal Aus und wieder An, am Netzschalter.
Danach war alles OK und diese Verbindungsabbrüche hatte ich bis jetzt nicht mehr.Das nur zur Info, vielleicht hilft es weiter !?
@chrishamm @dc42
When will be a release for 3.5:-) -
@PCR great can you share the release notes?
@Adamfilip you can't install 3.5.0-b1 on 3.4.5, only on 3.5b1
@Adamfilip Use this one for 3.4.5: