Autodesk printer? Powered by Duet
Any news on this? Interested to know more
@oliof some more
the printer is by Warwick School of Engineering, called Vesuvius. The terrible photo you see of the print head shows a water cooled 4-in-1 hotend. Also of note is the segmented 9 part heated plate
@oliof Thanks for these! Those are some big layers. It it printing a basic plastic?
@blacksheep99 it's printing PLA (4x2.85mm with BMGs). Also correction: The print plate does not seem heated -- or if it is, that part isn't controlled by RepRapFirmware.
I'd also like to apologize for the quality of the photos, all the interesting parts are covered in acrylics and I don't have a polar filter for my phone camera.
@oliof I appreciate your efforts and thanks for sharing the info+photos.
Autodesk printer? Powered by Duet
Yes that's correct, a collaboration between Autodesk, Warwick School of Engineering and Duet3D. I expect a lot more details will be published in the upcoming months. It has some very cool aspects: especially the bed and the print head.