I could use some help
@mac said in I could use some help:
@droftarts "add it to config.g" means what, exactly?
You already have an M92 and an M574 in your config.g file.
Just edit the file via the DWC and enter the new values for those commands - if those values have changed.
And read what I posted about the relationship of M92 and M574.
@fcwilt on RRF Config Tool, Endstop Configuration, X-Switch-High end, Y-Switch-High end, Z-Z-probe-Low end.
Change to?
@mac said in I could use some help:
But maybe that's part of the problem?
I do think that relying on the configuration tool keeps you from learning and understanding all that is going in the various files.
@mac said in I could use some help:
@droftarts "add it to config.g" means what, exactly?
It means edit it in DWC, by going to System, then clicking config.g, then edit and save. That changes it on the machine. You need to reset the board (turn power on and off) to get it to read config.g again at start up, which it will ask you when you save.
Sending the command directly, in the 'Gcode console', will execute the command and change the setting immediately, but will be overridden by the contents of config.g the next time you turn off and turn on the printer.
@fcwilt indeed.
@droftarts I actually understand what you just wrote. Thanks!
@mac said in I could use some help:
@fcwilt on RRF Config Tool, Endstop Configuration, X-Switch-High end, Y-Switch-High end, Z-Z-probe-Low end.
Change to?
Sorry, I don't use that tool.
You posted part of your config.g file showing M574 X2 S1 and M574 Y2 S1.
If your endstops are, in fact, at the low (min) end of the X and Y axes, X2 needs to be X1 and Y2 needs to be Y1.
Just edit your config.g file in the DWC editor. No need to use the config tool for such simple changes.
@droftarts I typed that into the command line, and sent it (somewhere). What should I have done after that?
@mac M92 X40.00 Y40.00 Z2000.00 E420.00
@droftarts and to confirm if that M92 command worked, I need to Home X again, correct?
@droftarts The M92 command lowered then raised the X-axis. The printhead shimmied side to side, but that's it.
@fcwilt What should the P for the Z be?
@mac said in I could use some help:
@fcwilt What should the P for the Z be?
I don't know. You said at one point you had a Z endstop. You must have connected it to some input pin.
Is it still connected to that same pin?
; Endstops M574 X1 S1 P"!io5.in" ; configure switch-type (e.g. microswitch) endstop for high end on X via pin !io5.in M574 Y1 S1 P"!io6.in" ; configure switch-type (e.g. microswitch) endstop for high end on Y via pin !io6.in M574 Z1 S2 ; configure Z-probe endstop for low end on Z -
@mac whoa, I did it!
@fcwilt I got the code to appear like you did, with the black background.
@droftarts I also saw the Save button in the X 0:/sys/config.g ? G-Code Reference (disk image) Save
@mac said in I could use some help:
@fcwilt I got the code to appear like you did, with the black background.
You are making good progress!
Now with the endstops configured what we believe to be correct you can check their operation using the Object Model Browser.
You did get that up and running didn't you? I think I recall you did.
Or you can execute M119 from the DWC console and it will display the state of the endstops.
To verify their operation you have to find a way to hold them closed so you can execute the M119 and see what is reported.
And, of course, you want to execute M119 when they are not closed to see what is reported.
@fcwilt The Z Endstop is plugged into io_2 (right above i0_3, which is the BLTouch). The green wire is attached to GND (middle hole), and the white wire is attached to io2. in.