I have a mellow board that I'm having issues with. I've recently set up a different wifi network that I intend on being 3d printers only,as my mesh network sometimes doesn't like them. For whatever reason I can't get connected to this board through serial. I've tried various windows and Linux machines and various terminals to no avail. I'm guessing something on the connector or board has been damaged at some point, as it used to work. This board has been in several different machines. I have tried and succeeded connecting to 2 duet2wifi and a different mellow board with no issues. I was thinking that it would be possible to make the runonce.g file again and put it back on the SD card with the new wifi network info but it doesn't seem to change the network.
M552 S0
G4 S10
M587 S"ssid" P"password"
G4 S10
M552 S1Is there something I'm missing or can you not have runonce.g a second time?
Would this work?
M552 S0
G4 S10
M588 S"*"
G4 S10
M587 S"Printers" P"Printers"
G4 S10
M552 S1 -
You may want to add
M552 S-1
before theM587 commands
@oliof you need to be in S0 for the M587 commands to take I believe.
@breed yes, that should work ok.