Duet fan outputs not working
Just Installed Duet on Railcore and powered up the printer. Fan 0 port does not work (neither hotend fan or part cooling fan works when connected here). Fan 1 and 2 appear to be set to 'always on', i.e. cannot vary fan speed via pwm (which is desired for the part cooling fan). Note that I've assembled and owned two other railcore printers and have never run into this issue. Anyone happen to have any thoughts on the issue here? Thanks.
Can you get a brighter picture of the fan port area? It sounds like the fan mosfets have potentially failed.
Just to be sure though it would help to see your configuration as well.
Hey @phaedrux, appreciate you reaching out - see below for more pics:
Closeup with fans connected (Fan1 connector routes to hotend fan, Fan0 routes to part cooling fan):
I don't see any visible damage to the fan mosfets, but they don't always fail spectacularly.
They can be replaced if you're handy with hot air rework.
Usually the damage is caused by a mis-wired fan or a short somewhere, so check to see if that's the case first.
@phaedrux The board is brand new... I tried all ports again with another fan and am still seeing the same problem, so It seems likely its an issue with the board itself rather than a config issue.
How does using a different fan rule out a config issue?
Would be best to post your config.g file here.
@elmoret I was referring to hardware config - here is my config.g file: config.txt
@stef what firmware version are you running? Your config is for RRF v2, but new boards are usually supplied with RRF v3 now, so config is wrong unless you have downgraded firmware.
@droftarts Got it - yep I'm running v3 and config is for v2
@stef Ended up updating config for v3 and fan outputs are now working as expected. Thanks for the advice all