z probe not referenced
@axiom that shows that your probe is triggered already. what type of probe is it?
a capacitive proximity sensor:
https://www.amazon.de/Heschen-kapazitiver-Näherungsschalter-Sensor-LJC18-A3-H-Z-Normalöfnung/dp/B071J6PXD1/ref=sr_1_5?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=1NG0J5PZMIZC4&keywords=kapazitiver+sensor&qid=1661366023&sprefix=kapizativer+sensor%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-5i got the same for my little ender printer and it works since 2 years
@axiom you may need to invert the signal
e.g.M558 P1 C"!zprobe.in"
but you should test it before trying to home with it -
now the z-axis moves down instead of up when homing...but it responds to my hand and stops -
@axiom you need to invert the direction of your Z axis then. It should be negative movement going up and positive going down
@jay_s_uk And how do I do that?
@axiom Change the S value in each M569 for the Z drivers. If its 0 change it to 1 and vice versa
@jay_s_uk how do i know which ones are for the z-axis...since i connected two, i don't want them to work in opposite directions...that might break the motors
@axiom you've mapped the driver numbers in M584
@jay_s_uk you are super! it works... thanks for your patience!
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