Extract temp to external display
Tried another set of cables = no go
Is it maybe so that there is no firmware, if so what files do I need?
Maybe swapped wiring?
Check if EXP1 + EXP2 on board and the display are plugged in correctly. -
This is what it looks like in my menu folder
Cables are inserted OK . My menu folder is like yours.
Did you ever load in FW in your display board?
Tried those settings also, next to be a pin detective and see if there is something in wireing.
Thanks for help, appreciated.
Will try more tomorrow.
Pinout seems to be OK.
Is this display 5V and not compatible with Mini5+ ?
Why is there no DISPLAY in the left menu?
It's under System. Have a look at the screenshot I have posted yesterday. -
@tecno did you get it working?
Unfortunately no
Is there anybody out there (Pink Floyd) that can help me?
Can we have some picures of the wiring? -
Std 10 pin cables Exp1 to Exp1 and Exp2 to Exp2 -
Had a look again on how cables are keyed as I did not get any life at all. F-ng assembly from the chinese as turning cables 180° I now get backlight and encoder lit up but nothing on screen.
As far as I can tell from the picture, turning is required for exp1 but not for exp2. -
Perfect... -
So now my mini 12864 is working
Next is to get my old RepRapDiscount to work. So how to read the silkscreen on board as regards cable keying?