Duet 2 Ethernet - no Ethernet after Firmware upgrade
So i did upgrade the firmware on my duet 2 Ethernet - the upgrade via DWC failed (stuck forever), so i did upgrade via SD Card.
SD Card upgrade was successful:
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.4.5 ELECTRONICS: Duet Ethernet 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2022-11-30 19:36:12<LF>ok<LF>
M552 S0
M552 S1 P0.0.0.0
ok<LF>Network running, IP address =<LF>I can access the printer under this IP adress with DWC perfectly - but only if the USB cable is connected (via YAT).
If i unplug the USB cable and try to connect via ethernet i get no connection. (also the Ethernet LEDs not not blink) - i know that USB and Power supply are not allowed to be connected at the same time.
If i switch to usb via YAT again, i can connect via DWC perfectly.
@xxexx with the USB plug removed, is the 5v LED lit on the board with 12/24v applied?
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@xxexx the firmware upgrade can't fry the 5v converter so that generally points to something else.
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i was mistaken - 5V led is lit, so thats not it
@xxexx Post a picture of the board powered by USB, and one another when powered from the PSU. Check the voltage LEDs are lit (first part of this page): https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Troubleshooting/Duet_wont_respond
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@droftarts the DIAG LED (between the USB connector and the SD card socket) lits up only for a split second when power supply is turned on (as it should be according to documentation).
@xxexx I can't see anything obviously wrong. 5V and 3.3V voltage regulators seem to be working. It's possible that the 5V regulator is failing, and not supplying enough voltage or current to run the Ethernet module, but that seems unlikely (I think the Ethernet module runs on 3.3V anyway). The main blade fuse (above the 2A fan fuse) looks like it might be burned? Can you take a picture of the area around the two voltage regulators, U2 and U3?
@droftarts all 3 fuses are fine,
@xxexx Is config.g being executed when powered from VIN? I don't know why it wouldn't be, and can't think of a way of checking without plugging in USB. You can connect USB under VIN power; you just need to take some precautions. See https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Overview/USB_ground_loops
What firmware version were you on previously? Maybe rerun the update, or try reverting to the previous version you were using. Though I can't think why the firmware version would be causing this issue.Ian
@xxexx I think the voltage regulators look okay. How old is this board? Where did you buy it from?
i checked the system directory: it is empty (!). I now try to install the Duet2combinedfirmware .bin file - "Connection lost, attempting to reconnect..."
@xxexx sounds like the sd card has been wiped then. maybe try a different sd card
i now did copy all installation files on the SD Card again and the bboard did reboot and reinstall firmware when connected to USB Power.
@xxexx thats incorrect. whats in sys on the SD card?