I am re-visiting a question posed in December of 2019, hoping that maybe there is an update to my issue.
This is a bit off topic but I thought I would try if anyone has an answer.
I am using a Raspberry Pi zero W for a monitoring camera on my Duet. It works well enough but has one annoying 'feature' ... every so often the feed to my web browser (newest Firefox under Linux) freezes. I have tried the various fixes that address the pi side of things but I don't think it's the pi that freezes because a page refresh in Firefox gets the feed back. I am currently having to refresh maybe every 20 to 30 seconds between the picture freezing and it is driving me up several walls. The strange thing is, the same hardware and software has, in the past, worked much better with refreshes required at between 5 and 15 minutes intervals (wild guess because it's been a while)My question: Has anyone had the issue of the picture stream freezing (but not the pi itself) with a Pi camera and if so, were you able to fix that issue somehow ?
The camera is set up for 'fast streaming', 1024*768 resolution, a frame rate of 2 frames/sec with a 50% setting for picture quality, bitrate is 900000 bits/sec, gpu memory is set at 128k and the pi zero W is running in a "high" overclocking mode (but note that the pi itself is not crashing).
Unfortunately, the MotionEye software development has stopped quite a while ago and support is no longer available.
Do you have motioneye set as "network camera"?
@Phaedrux, it is set as "Simple MJPEG Camera" which is the only choice. Of course the camera is set up with network parameters under the "network" tab.
It's been a long time since I setup my Pi zero W as a motionOS cam, but this was key to getting it to work nicely. I think I'm using 1080p30 with high quality and it's been pretty flawless for a few years now.
@Phaedrux, thanks, I misunderstood before but yes, I am set up as a "fast network camera".
The only other thing I can think of - I have many IOT wifi devices and maybe I am exhausting the network bandwidth but at 2 frames per second, this shouldn't really be an issue. Anther pi zero W on another printer seems much more reliable even though I have not been able to see any differences in the configuration. The more reliable camera runs a slightly older version of "motion " and "OS" while running the same version of "MotionEye".
I am also considering upgrading from a pi zero w to a pi3+b ......
@jens55 Hi, Can you pls guide on setting up the Pi Zero with Duet.