Duet 2 IDEX printer issues before print starts
Hi! I have a Modix 120x printer which runs off a duet 2 board. I have the latest firmware update. Could you help me solve an issues I'm having?
When i start a print that requires the secondary print head, before the print starts, both the primary and secondary head heats up and then the secondary head moves to the center and then homes. Then the primary head moves to the center and homes, and then once more, the secondary print head moves to the center and begins to print.
Why does it do this and how can i stop it? i am assuming that a gcode file is run before the start of my actual print gcode file but I am not sure. It does this for each print regardless of what slicer i use.
Any idea how to solve this? Ideally, i slice a file with a specified print head for use and only that print head heats up and prints. No more of both print heads heating and moving in to the center and then homing again before the print starts. Its a weird thing to do, its unnecessary, and a waste of time.
Thanks for the help!! If you need more info then let me know.
@AudibleDruid likely the first two homing sequences are from the homeall.g file, and the homing of the active toolhead happens due to slicer startup gcode.
You can use conditional gcode to only home when an axis is unhomed.
for example
if !move.axes[0].homed || !move.axes[1].homed echo "X and/or Y axes not homed, homing" G28 ; home only if needed -
@AudibleDruid have you reached out to Modix support to ask them to improve the homing sequence a profiles for start gcode? that would be a start point. Its definitely possible to use conditional gcode etc to only home if needed (as @oliof has shown) but it would also be good if it only selected and heated the tool you planned to use which is probably best done in the slicer start gcode.
I'd invest the time and home both tools in X&Y direction while the bed is empty. This way you can be sure, the unused tool is parked where it belongs.
It's debatable if you have to heat up the tools for XY homing/parking, but it's probably touch probe related?
You can rewrite the homing macro to only heat and home Z of the selected tool