Probe repeatability.
Is there some function like M48 in Marlin? I’m running RRF 3.4.
@smaaash M48 is not supported, but you can do the same thing with a macro. This one has been posted on the forum a few times; adjust the X and Y position for a point within the bed limits:
M291 P"Probe will be tested 10 times and return mean and standard deviation. Ok or Cancel?" R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel. G28 M401 G30 P0 X100 Y100 Z-9999 G30 P1 X100 Y100 Z-9999 G30 P2 X100 Y100 Z-9999 G30 P3 X100 Y100 Z-9999 G30 P4 X100 Y100 Z-9999 G30 P5 X100 Y100 Z-9999 G30 P6 X100 Y100 Z-9999 G30 P7 X100 Y100 Z-9999 G30 P8 X100 Y100 Z-9999 G30 P9 X100 Y100 Z-9999 S-1 M402
If you create a file called M48.g in the /sys folder, and copy the above to it, you can call it by sending M48, if you really want to emulate Marlin!
@droftarts I cold coded a Macro that is more in line with M48 (except the star motion stuff) a couple weeks ago, I should test it and then publish (-:
@oliof please do!
I've got one i made a while back too:
; M48.g v3.0 ; Called as response to M48 ; Used to run probe repeatability test ;---/ ; -/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/-- ; THIS MACRO ONLY WORKS WITH RRF 3.5.0b1 AND LATER!! ;--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/-- ;-/ ; ====================--------------------------------------------------------- ; Settings section ; ==================== ; Bed size var bedX = 350 ; Input your beds X axis size here (used to calculate bed center) var bedY = 350 ; Input your beds Y axis size here (used to calculate bed center) ; Nozzle clearance (gets overridden if you have global.Nozzle_CL) var Clearance = 5 ; The "safe" clearance you want to have between the noszzle and bed before moving the printhead ; Don't touch anyting bellow this point! ; ====================--------------------------------------------------------- ; Prep phase ; ==================== ;Calculate bed center set var.bedX = var.bedX / 2 set var.bedY = var.bedY / 2 if exists(global.Nozzle_CL) set var.Clearance = {global.Nozzle_CL} var msg = "How many samples do you want to take? (3-32)" ; Ask to set sample amount M291 S6 J1 R"Probe repeatability test" P{var.msg} L3 H32 F10 var Samples = {input} set var.msg = "Doing " ^ var.Samples ^ " samples. Please wait..." M291 S1 R"Probe repeatability test" P{var.msg} T5 M561 ; Clear any bed transform M290 R0 S0 ; Reset baby stepping M84 E0 ; Disable extruder stepper if exists(global.sb_leds) set global.sb_leds = "homing" ; Lower Z currents if fileexists("/sys/lib/current/z_current_low.g") M98 P"/sys/lib/current/z_current_low.g" ; Set low Z currents else M913 Z60 ; Set Z motors to 60% of their max current ; Lower Z relative to current position if needed if !move.axes[2].homed ; If Z ain't homed G91 ; Relative positioning G1 Z{var.Clearance} F9000 H1 ; Lower Z(bed) relative to current position G90 ; Absolute positioning elif move.axes[2].userPosition < {var.Clearance} ; If Z is homed and less than var.Clearance G1 Z{var.Clearance} F9000 ; Move to Z var.Clearance ; ====================--------------------------------------------------------- ; Home all axes ; ==================== ; Make sure all axes are homed, and home Z again anyways if !move.axes[0].homed || !move.axes[1].homed ; If X & Y axes aren't homed ; Home X & Y axis M98 P"/sys/homex.g" Z{true} A{true} ; Home X axis, pass param.Z since we allready lowered Z & A to indicate this is part of a homing sequence M98 P"/sys/homey.g" Z{ture} C{true} ; Home Y axis, pass param.Z since we allready lowered Z & C since XY currents/speeds are also ok ; Home Z axis M98 P"/sys/homez.g" Z{true} A{true} ; Home Z axis, pass param.Z since we allready lowered Z & A to indicate this is part of a homing sequence ; ====================--------------------------------------------------------- ; Probing code ; ==================== ; Move to bed center G90 ; Absolute positioning G1 X[var.bedX] Y[var.bedY] F6000 ; Move to the center of the bed ; LED status if exists(global.sb_leds) set global.sb_leds = "leveling" M558 K0 F180 A1 var loopCounter = 0 while true G30 P{var.loopCounter} K0 Z-9999 if iterations >= 1 echo "Sample number " ^ {iterations} ^ ": " ^ {sensors.probes[0].lastStopHeight - sensors.probes[0].triggerHeight} ^ "mm" set var.loopCounter = iterations if iterations = var.Samples - 1 G30 P{var.loopCounter} K0 Z-9999 S-1 break M558 K0 F300:180 A3 ; ====================--------------------------------------------------------- ; Finish up ; ==================== ; Uncomment the following lines to lower Z(bed) after probing G90 ; Absolute positioning G1 Z{var.Clearance} F2400 ; Move to Z var.Clearance ; Full currents if fileexists("/sys/lib/current/xy_current_high.g") M98 P"/sys/lib/current/xy_current_high.g" ; Set high XY currents else M913 X100 Y100 ; Set X Y motors to var.100% of their max current if fileexists("/sys/lib/current/z_current_high.g") M98 P"/sys/lib/current/z_current_high.g" ; Set high Z currents else M913 Z100 ; Set Z motors to var.100% of their max current set var.msg = "" ^ var.Samples ^ " samples complete, see console" M291 S1 R"Probe repeatability test" P{var.msg} T5 ; Test done message ; If using Voron TAP, report that probing is completed if exists(global.TAPPING) set global.TAPPING = false M402 P0 ; Return the hotend to the temperature it had before probing ; LED status if exists(global.sb_leds) set global.sb_leds = "ready"
Another useful one is to test for backlash on the delta printers, or tilt+backlash on most other types of printer with a moving X carriage. An outline is:
- Move to X minimum Y centre
- Move X to centre
- Probe several times as per these M48 macros and report the resulting mean and SD
- Move to X max
- Move X back to centre
- Probe several times as per these M48 macros and report the resulting mean and SD
- Look for differences in the mean between the two sets of results
On deltas, also do the above using Y movements instead of X movements.
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