LDO BoxTurtle V1.0 RRF Support
I am pleased to announce provisional support for the LDO BoxTurtle V1.0 with RepRapFirmware.
This setup uses the stock AFC-Lite board which comes in the kit. Wiring is as per the stock BoxTurtle Instructions.The macros can be found here https://github.com/jaysuk/BoxTurtle_RRF
Instructions for getting the AFC-Lite flashed can be found here https://teamgloomy.github.io/afc_lite_v1_0_h723_general_3_5.htmlThis setup will work with any of the Duet 3 mainboards (i.e. 6HC, 6XD, mini 5+), and any of the STM32H7 mainboards. I'm not sure it will be possible with an STM32F4 based board with spi2can module purely because of the amount of globals used.
Features currently implemented
So far this has the following features implemented:Brush - tested
Cut - tested
Kick - untested
Poop - untested
Purge - tests
filament runout - untested
It is highly recommended to run this with a cutter on your printer as there is currently no tip forming enabled.
This also only works with one AFC. Connecting multiple AFC's is currently not supported.Brushing Notes
It is assumed that the macros will have full control of deploying and retracting the brush (if its servo based).
If you already have the brush setup, create two macros in the AFC folder called "brush_deploy.g" and "brush_retract.g" and include in them the commands required to deploy and retract your brush.How to use
Ensure the AFC is flashed with the correct version of RRF and connect it to your printer (only works with 3.6.0-RC1 onwards). Copy all the files to your sys and macros folders.
Add the following to the very end of your config.g.G4 S2 M98 P"0:/sys/AFC/AFC.g"
Reboot your printer.
Run the macro "Create System Files" and select all. Load some filemant to each lane. Run the macro "Lane - Measure First" for each lane. Run the macro "Measure Main Length" choosing one of the lanes to use. It doesn't matter which.Rename the file "AFC_user_vars_example.g" in the AFC folder to "AFC_user_vars.g" and edit each of the variables to suit your machine.
Remember to enable the features you want to use.Reboot your machine and you should be good to go.
I have also included a print_start.g file and a stop.g file. These should be suitable for using with your machine.
Slicer Setup
Orcaslicer is the recommended slicer to use.Setup your slicer as per the instructions here https://github.com/ArmoredTurtle/BoxTurtle/blob/main/Initial_Startup.md#configuring-your-slicer.
Add the following to the machine start gcode
M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temperature waits separately M140 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temperature waits separately M98 P"start_print.g" A{first_layer_bed_temperature[0]} B"{filament_type[0]}" C{first_layer_temperature[0]} D{nozzle_diameter[0]} E{first_layer_print_min[0]} F{first_layer_print_max[0]} H{first_layer_print_min[1]} J{first_layer_print_max[1]} K{initial_tool}
To the change filament g-code add the following
M98 P"0:/sys/AFC/set_temp_global.g" A[next_extruder] B[new_filament_temp] T[next_extruder]
I have also included a basic BtnCmd setup for the AFC that I will be improving when I get time.Please post here or come find me on the RRF discord channel if you need support
@jay_s_uk Awesome work!