@oliof Appreciate that this is a fairly old topic - and sorry for the long post - just wanted to get a few ideas down together.
I have been investigating some options for a multi headed / multi colour printer for printing large multi coloured models.
I think the RatRig VCore 4 / With Hybrid Motors and IDEX 'Dual Markforge' is something like what you were describing in your post back in May.
What I am thinking along the lines of is something like a RatRig VCore4 IDEX RMMU, with a 2nd IDEX Gantry, which also has the ability for limited Z movement too.
I think it is going to need to be powered by Duet/Reprap firmware though - rather than RatOS/Klipper
My ultimate target is a machine/set of machines with the following capabilities:
- Large build area - at least 300X x 500Y x 250Z - With at least two independent gantries for parallel printing of large objects - probably using the Reprap 3.5 Multi Motion System parallel printing capability
- Each gantry being IDEX - to allow for fast colour changes for most commonly used colours, and for some models - mirror mode or duplicate mode parallel printing within the IDEX gantry.
- Filament Multiplexing - probably using something like the Reprap RMMU or BambuLab AMS - as I need up to around 12 colours in total per object.
- Parallel background colour feeding and purging etc. - which is hopefully supported by RepRep 3.5 (but not by Klipper/RatOS I believe). - See part 2 video for more details of this.
- For the multiplexed colour changes - The ability for very efficient 'flush-into object' printing to be done - with the flush-into objects potentially being printed at a different Z heights to the main object.
- Ideally in cases where fairly simple small prints are already in progress on only one of the gantries - the ability to separately start a simple 2nd print on the spare gantry.
I have created a few videos demonstrating a few ideas - the most relevant to my current thoughts is Part3 of this IDEX series.
IDEX Part 3 - Dual IDEX
'IDEX Part 6 - Motors and Belts'
Youtube link
What I would like to do next is add the ability for the 2nd Gantry to have a small amount of Z axis movement ability - so that it can be completely independent of the first gantry. I will probably add a few of the Reprap 3.5 Multi Motion System Gcode commands to my Blender add-on to drive the fully independent simulations.
Will probably also add some animations along the lines of the diagrams posted by @droftarts in this thread to the simulations too.
The next problem is then splitting up models into sections for Multi Motion printing.
I have done some reading of this forum of posts about Multi Motion printing - mainly by @dc42 and can't find a lot of details of any slicer developments.
So unless work is already underway in this area I am thinking about creating a GCODE post processor that does a basic split of single head multi colour prints (probably sliced for a BambuLab X1C) into up to 3 or 4 separate areas per layer if they are big enough be warrant parallel printing on the two gantries at the same time. The reason for the 4 areas is to avoid head clashes - see this diagram.

Plus probably a 2nd post processor that does some more automated mirror mode splitting - I am currently do this in my simulations by pre-splitting up the mirrored / duplicated and single threaded parts prior to slicing into different 'virtual colours' - am then using the tool change commands generated by the slicer to switch the 'virtual' printer between IDEX modes.