New firmware 1.21RC3 available
Fantastic! I love how you continue to support the board with F/W changes and also support on this forum, keep up the awesome work.
Now that i have my printer a bit more stable state I will give this version a try soon. -
there is a bug in WiFi Server. i have DuetWiFi (and upgraded WiFi module to one with external connector)
1.21 RC3 does not boot WiFi
Printer is now online.
WiFi module is being startedonce i rolled back to 1.20 all is back to normal.
now i have mixed environment
WiFi + Web 1.20
Firmware 1.21RC3 (2018-02-28 build 4) -
Just to say, as I didn't remember to do so on the RC2 thread. The multitouch probing is a big improvement. More accurate - no, but the chance that one aberrant probing point would then result in junk M665 and M666 data has reduced to practically zero. Excellent work.
Just to say, as I didn't remember to do so on the RC2 thread. The multitouch probing is a big improvement. More accurate - no, but the chance that one aberrant probing point would then result in junk M665 and M666 data has reduced to practically zero. Excellent work.
Completely agree!
there is a bug in WiFi Server. i have DuetWiFi (and upgraded WiFi module to one with external connector)
1.21 RC3 does not boot WiFi
Printer is now online.
WiFi module is being startedonce i rolled back to 1.20 all is back to normal.
now i have mixed environment
WiFi + Web 1.20
Firmware 1.21RC3 (2018-02-28 build 4)Strange, does WiFi 1.21RC1 work for you?
there is a bug in WiFi Server. i have DuetWiFi (and upgraded WiFi module to one with external connector)
1.21 RC3 does not boot WiFi
Printer is now online.
WiFi module is being startedonce i rolled back to 1.20 all is back to normal.
now i have mixed environment
WiFi + Web 1.20
Firmware 1.21RC3 (2018-02-28 build 4)Strange, does WiFi 1.21RC1 work for you?
I'm also still having issues with WiFi since I updated to 1.20. around 60% of the times I'm getting "WiFi reported error: Wrong password while trying to connect to ESSID. Wifi module is idle". Then I just type in the panelDue "M552 S1", and the wifi works again "Wifi module is connected to access point ESSID, IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
I tried with 1.19.3 and wifi works fine (no HW issue apparently), I tried flashing my AP (Linksys) with DD-WRT and duet connects 100% of the time… but DDWRT is really unstable in my AP (beta version... :() and caused lots of issues in my network.
Summarizing, something changed between 1.19.3 and 1.20 that makes my duet to fight against my AP and loose most of the times :(.
I've updated to RC3 (wifi problems still persists), and I've tried FTP (I tried it yesterday first time, and couldn't get it working at all), but it still doesn't work fine.
I tried with Filezilla (connects, but sometimes returns (500 Unknown login command), ftp terminal command (didn't work:421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection.), google chrome (Err_Connection_Reset) and Mac Finder (unable to connect at all). after trying terminal, chrome and finder, I tried again Filezilla, and it connects, but even though it list the folders and the files, I cannot download anything.
This is from FileZilla:
[[language]] Status: Connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:21... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Status: Logged in Status: Retrieving directory listing... Status: Directory listing of "/" successful Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/sys"... Status: Directory listing of "/sys" successful Status: Connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:21... Status: Connecting to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:21... Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/"... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Could not connect to server Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Disconnected from server Status: Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt... Error: Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer Error: Could not connect to server Status: Disconnected from server Status: Delaying connection for 5 seconds due to previously failed connection attempt... DWC works fine, and I didn't have any packet lost during the test. I can capture traffic with wireshark if you need to. I tried to download gcodes folder too (just in case sys causes problems or something) and I've got the same error.
Strange, does WiFi 1.21RC1 work for you?
yes, i managed to put it in.
Current combination has full range of Rcx
Firmware Version: 1.21RC3 (2018-02-28 build 4)
WiFi Server Version: 1.21RC1
Web Interface Version: 1.21-RC4 -
Why does my home all not work anymore?
[[GCode]] ; Lift Z relative to current position T0 G91 G1 Z4 F6000 G1 X-350 Y-240 F3000 S1 ; move up to 240mm in the -X and -Y directions until the homing switches are triggered G1 X6 Y6 F600 ; move slowly 6mm in +X and +Y directions G1 X-10 Y-10 S1 ; move up to 10mm in the -X and -Y directions until the homing switches are triggered G90 ; ############################################# ; Go to Center of the bed probe point and home the Z axis G1 X150 Y100 F3000 G30 ;dock T0 M117 Docking Printhead. G1 X70 Y200 F3000 G1 X70 Y235 F3000 Get this output:
10:40:33 G28 Error: G0/G1: insufficient axes homedWorked fine when using RC2
Also tried to print something that worked fine and got this:
10:34:47 M25 Resume-after-power-fail state saved Printing paused
10:34:42 Error: G0/G1: insufficient axes homed
10:34:41 M32 "Monopoly_Replacement_Part_Wheelbarrow.gcode"File Monopoly_Replacement_Part_Wheelbarrow.gcode selected for printingWhy does it claim that it tries to restart after power-failed? I just tried to start my print as I always has done… It is not impossible that I have bad start-up scripts... (my home seem to be suddenly wrong) But I do not understand this from reading the change log...
[[GCode]] ;BigBox Printer Start Script Begin ;extruder offset - refer to the wiki | M117 Print Starting G91 ; Relative coordinate G1 Z5 F400 //Lower Bed 5mm// G90 ; Absolute coordinate ;Homing M117 Homing. G28 ; home all axes G29 S1 //This command loads the stored IR bed levels// G30 P0 X25 y100 z-99999 G30 P1 X275 y100 z-99999 S2 G30 P0 X25 y100 z-99999 G30 P1 X275 y100 z-99999 S2 G30 P0 X25 y100 z-99999 G30 P1 X275 y100 z-99999 S2 G30 P0 X25 y100 z-99999 G30 P1 X275 y100 z-99999 S2 ;dock T0 G1 X70 Y200 F3000 G1 X70 Y235 F3000 M117 Print Starting. ;BigBox Printer Start Script End I find it strange that I cannot move my Z axis away from the bed to enable the probe to be at a "safe" detection distance to avoid the hot-end to crash into the bed because the probe is to close and already passed the trig threshold. (tried that one MANY times…)
GrodanB, please see David's release notes: will see you need to either home Z first, or specify the lift with S2 to override the axis homing protection.
OK, amazing that 3-4 readings and still miss this… I assumed that was the probable root cause...
Fixing immediately! Thanks
So I practice the method that it is better to ask and be an idiot for five minutes then being it for the rest of you life
Edit: Re-reading it is so obvious... First time I just assumed that not allowing movement to an not homed axis was OK and did not register the homing issue...
The resume weirdness also disappeared when adding the S2 to the G1 Z-axis movement. Strange...New issue?: Why can I not upload files unless there is at least one XXX.Gcode in the gcode directory? Via the up-load button.
Did a emergency stop (reset) and the button was available again.
ttyACM3 16°> M115
FRMWR_NAME: epapirwae orDut WiF ad ue Ethene FRMAR_VERSON 121C2ELRNIS:Dut ii .0or101FIMWRE_AT: 01-0-1 bil 2
o T170 0. B16.7 /00I've tried to upload DuetWifiFirmware.bin several time from webui.
M115 was still reporting 1.21RC2
I've copied DuetWifiFirmware.bin to /sys and M997 S0something borken again.
The bltouch / multi-tap fix works great.
Probe configuration:
M558 P9 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F50 T6000 A5 S0.023 point leveling result:
Leadscrew adjustments made: 0.004 -0.008 -0.000, points used 3, deviation before 0.005is there a link to guide or tute or dozuki page outlining the implementation of this newly supported feature? My BL Touch bed leveling has been giving me fits and I think its due to inconsistent probing results - this would be rather nice
The bltouch / multi-tap fix works great.
Probe configuration:
M558 P9 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F50 T6000 A5 S0.023 point leveling result:
Leadscrew adjustments made: 0.004 -0.008 -0.000, points used 3, deviation before 0.005is there a link to guide or tute or dozuki page outlining the implementation of this newly supported feature? My BL Touch bed leveling has been giving me fits and I think its due to inconsistent probing results - this would be rather nice
If you're referring to the multi-tap, the relevent bits there are the S0.02 (max deviation between two sequential taps) and A5 (allow up to 5 attempts). I never see it tap more than twice, though.
The new probe type, P9, is to specify it's a BLTouch specifically, and so you no longer need to manually deploy the probe, it does it automatically.
ttyACM3 16°> M115
FRMWR_NAME: epapirwae orDut WiF ad ue Ethene FRMAR_VERSON 121C2ELRNIS:Dut ii .0or101FIMWRE_AT: 01-0-1 bil 2
o T170 0. B16.7 /00this was an serial issue I was not able to reproduce hopefully.
However I can't manage to upgrade to 1.21rc3, Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin been renamed to DuetWiFiFirmware.bin, uploaded through webui, copied to sdcard (+M997) M115 still reports 1.21rc2.
The bltouch / multi-tap fix works great.
Probe configuration:
M558 P9 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F50 T6000 A5 S0.023 point leveling result:
Leadscrew adjustments made: 0.004 -0.008 -0.000, points used 3, deviation before 0.005is there a link to guide or tute or dozuki page outlining the implementation of this newly supported feature? My BL Touch bed leveling has been giving me fits and I think its due to inconsistent probing results - this would be rather nice
If you're referring to the multi-tap, the relevent bits there are the S0.02 (max deviation between two sequential taps) and A5 (allow up to 5 attempts). I never see it tap more than twice, though.
The new probe type, P9, is to specify it's a BLTouch specifically, and so you no longer need to manually deploy the probe, it does it automatically.
Thanks very much for this … appreciated - but there must be some documentation for this somewhere right? How did you learn of these settings / features?
I will try and implement. Im also desperateyl trying to find some data on the sensititivty setting for the BL Touch - docs just said to use a low setting - it was default at 500 - I modded that to 25 - wondering if that is impacting my results ... I cant find jack in docs on that issue
Thanks very much for this … appreciated - but there must be some documentation for this somewhere right? How did you learn of these settings / features?
You can check in the Gcode documentation
Also see:
I have linked a helpful tutorial for BL Touch by
Also see:
I have linked a helpful tutorial for BL Touch by
Thank you …
Now i get ... Error: M997: Firmware binary "DuetWiFiFirmware.bin" is not valid for this electronics ????
no blue light on wifi module … wth ... So doing some reading it stated on some docs that sometimes you need to make sure your wifiserver .bin and your firmware .bin are upload before executing the firmware update .... because Im getting M997 error - as stated above ... After upload of the new 1.21RC3 wifi server bin ... it asked if I wanted to upgrade or whatev's it calls it I hit YES.
It went thru some activity - showed me a green progress bar ... then now i get nothing no connection via wifi - no blue lights next to the wifi module on the board ... So now I have 1.20 firmware still and 1.21rc3 wifi server and no wifi connectivity - now what ?
release notes said it didnt matter if wifi bin or firmware bin done first ...
The blue light on the wifi module comes on only when uploading the wifi server firmware.
It looks like that is successful as you say the wifi server firmware version is 1.21rc3? Sounds like an issue with the main firmware upload. Try downloading the DuetCombinedFirmware.bin again (make sure you download the raw .bin file) then rename it to DuetWifiFirmware.bin then upgrade. You will need to comply it onto the SD card by putting it into your PC.