DWC warning: High temperature on drivers 1
in last print i received this message from console:
16:07:50Warning: high temperature on drivers 1
16:07:46Warning: high temperature on drivers 1What can cause this?
I have to lower the voltage in M906?
In this moment i have this... M906 X1800 Y1800 Z1800 E500 I30
Here its summer time, and the temperature its over 30ÂșC, can this affect?
I too had some over-temperature warning this week, with the current set at 1800mA on a Duet mounted horizontally in a plastic enclosure (so on airflow over the back of the board). Preferably, re-orient the Duet so that there is natural convection cooling to the back of the Duet, or add a fan to cool the back of the Duet. At 1800mA you won't need much airflow to keep it cool enough.
ok... i will try
A- Driver 1. Its stepper motor of estruder?
B- This High temperature, can be the cause of this (see images)...How post photos???
Driver 1 is the Y axis driver, unless you have use M584 to remap the drivers.
Host your photos on a file sharing site such as Dropbox or imgur and post the link to them here.
@dc42 in the other forum, editing the link. I do not remember how, the images were shown
@dc42 And.... these driver, hardware. Where is on board? for add a vent over it?
The console error message is:
19:17:48Warning: high temperature on drivers 1
Warning: high temperature on drivers 1
Warning: high temperature on drivers 1
Warning: high temperature on drivers 1
"This means:
- 4 temperature warning in driver 1, the same, driver 1?
or - 4 warnings for temperature, in each stepper?
- 4 temperature warning in driver 1, the same, driver 1?
At the moment, I have placed a fan(home fan 220V) focusing on the Duet board, and it seems to work ... there are no more temperature errors, and the printing does not show any faults.
This temperature error, he explains, because the impression I made this morning, with less heat, has gone well ...
Is there any way, with a console command, to see the temperature that the driver is registering?
At what temperature are the steps lost?
The drivers report over temperature warning at about 100C. If the temperature rises a further 50C, the drivers shut down and you lose steps. The firmware will produce messages if this happens.
The best ways to cool the Duet are to use a fan to blow cool air across either both sides of the boards along the line of drivers, or just along the back of the board. If you are able to mount the Duet vertically then natural convection is usually sufficient up to at least 2A current.
i think i am try to change enclosure... i have see this in ww.thingiverse.com
Duet wifi enclosure in THINGIVERSE
Can someone, give me feedback of this enclosuere for Duet WiFi?
What it's best for airflow... Extract air from Duet case.... or enter air?
The fan of case its extractin air from Duet case.
@peirof said in DWC warning: High temperature on drivers 1:
What it's best for airflow... Extract air from Duet case.... or enter air?
The fan of case its extractin air from Duet case.
Use a fan to blow air over at least the back of the Duet, and make sure that the warmed air can exit the enclosure at the other end.
If it's any help, I've created a couple of designs for Duet enclosures that take fans which blow onto the back of the board. One is for the Duet main board and the other is for the Duet plus Duex5.
You can find them on Thingiverse here
and here
I included the OpeScad files so you can adapt the design if you want to.
Thanks.... I will try
I'm partial to this case: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2150997
It follows the same thermal principals as networking gear and other enclosed circuit board systems. Hot air is exhausted from one end and cool air drawn in from the other. There are no other slots or openings to allow the air to go anywhere else. This forces the cool air over both sides of the board with no short circuits. The two fans are then thermostatically controlled using the CPU as temperature proxy for the drivers.
@deckingman Thanks
@phaedrux Thanks