@martin7404 Thank you Martin! With these values I can get it to heat up until 70C without any errors. I still wish there would be a better solution like a "dumb" heater but at least I can work with it now

Best posts made by baua1024
RE: Wrong Temp Monitored at Chamber Heater Fault
RE: Duet 3 with RPi4 random crashes
@jay_s_uk Unfortunately this is also sold out everywhere. I contacted the retailer and they will send me a new pi4 as soon as they have on stock for me to test it. I will let you guys know if it helped
RE: Input Shaper Questions
@dc42 Thanks for these explanations! I tried again all shapers with a value of 0 and 0.1 and didn't see a lot of a difference. I got to really good results now that I did these changes:
- Changed Acceleration on X from 3K to 6K didn't make it any worse but going down from 3K to 2K on Y made significant improvements.
- Jerk Values have been on 400 on X and Y and cause the printhead to take corners very harsh. Running 1000 now and the printhead moves a lot smother.
- I had two frequencies in my accelerometer data: 4.8Hz(x) and 53.5Hz(y). The 4,8 Hz didn't do a lot of improvement but the 53.5Hz helps a huge amount on the X Vibration. The resonance on Y access didn't really improve with input shaping but only with lower acceleration however the resonance introduced by X went significantly down.
Here a Ringing Tower with 140mms/s where I tuned different shapers with no Shaping at top.
Each segment is a different Shaper algorithm with S0 and S0.1. They all do a great job compared to no shaping:
This Ringing Tower uses only the EI3 53.5Hz S0 Shaper but is increasing Y Acceleration each layer. Best Result was at 2K. The Shaper seems to not affect Ringing on X Axes introduced by Y Axes Vibrations:
RE: Wrong Temp Monitored at Chamber Heater Fault
@jay_s_uk Thanks! I just had a read through it and unfortunately the C parameter got deprecated for the final 3.4 release. I will have to play with the E/K parameters although it reads like they have a different purpose(Cooling Curve) than the C.
RE: Mainboard 6HC (with SBC) does not start with all Fans Connected.
@infiniteloop I'm actually quite sure that a 3 Pin Fans third wire is Tacho signal and only the 4 Pin Fans are PWM controllable. The Speed is controlled via the supplied Voltage. https://digitalworld839.com/3-pin-vs-4-pin-fan-difference-between/
Latest posts made by baua1024
RE: Mainboard 6HC (with SBC) does not start with all Fans Connected.
@infiniteloop That's interesting! I didn't came across these yet. The Ones I bought had 3 Pin headers and are the following: https://www.blacknoise.com/datas/downloads/datasheets/TData_BSF40_122012_de_en.pdf
Unfortunately they don't mention anything about the pinout So I assumed they have a Tacho Signal. -
RE: Mainboard 6HC (with SBC) does not start with all Fans Connected.
@infiniteloop I'm actually quite sure that a 3 Pin Fans third wire is Tacho signal and only the 4 Pin Fans are PWM controllable. The Speed is controlled via the supplied Voltage. https://digitalworld839.com/3-pin-vs-4-pin-fan-difference-between/
RE: Mainboard 6HC (with SBC) does not start with all Fans Connected.
@dc42 They didn't try to start up directly after powering on the board. However i tried a bit around and after removing the TACH pin the board has no issue starting up. Fans are working as expected now. Since I do not need the TACH as they are fully on anyways I can leave it like this. Not sure why it was causing the issue though.
RE: Mainboard 6HC (with SBC) does not start with all Fans Connected.
@jay_s_uk I thought about that too but wonder why I have no Problem using the fans after the Boot then.
I connected Positive Wire to "V_OUTLC1", "Tachowire to "out5.tach" and the Groundwire to "out5".The documentation says this is PWM V_FAN. Do I need to set something up in config to change the Fan Type to Voltage Controlled instead of PWM maybe?
Mainboard 6HC (with SBC) does not start with all Fans Connected.
Hi Duet Minds!
I had my Duet 6HC running with a Fan (2Wire) connected to OUT_4. This Fan is for heated chamber and only sometimes used. I now added 2 more fans (3Wire) to cool the XY Motors on OUT_5 and OUT_6. The Jumper is set to 12V.When I start the Board now it will not boot but when I disconnect any of the two new fans before startup it will boot just fine. After boot I can connect them again and control them without any issues.
The Manual States there should not be anything connected to VFUSED if the Jumper is set to 12V and I don't have anything connected there.
Any Ideas what could cause this or what to look out?
RE: Wrong Temp Monitored at Chamber Heater Fault
@martin7404 Thank you Martin! With these values I can get it to heat up until 70C without any errors. I still wish there would be a better solution like a "dumb" heater but at least I can work with it now
RE: Wrong Temp Monitored at Chamber Heater Fault
@martin7404 Thanks! I will give it a shot. My heater element is 300W so it's fairly similar. I'm curious about the C parameter though as the docs say it's not supported anymore.
RE: Wrong Temp Monitored at Chamber Heater Fault
@jay_s_uk My current line is "M307 H2 B1 R0.016 D60" E&K value don't positively influence the successrate. Also all parameters seem to influence each other. So i can't go lower on R than 0.016 but if I set E&K on something i can't even go lower than 0.1.
I changed the Deadtime to 330 (that's the max) and this way it takes quite a bit longer until the fault occurs. -
RE: Wrong Temp Monitored at Chamber Heater Fault
@jay_s_uk So I played around with E and K but I couldn't get the heater to stay on for longer without having the same error again. I also increased the dead time to 45 without any change. I think I don't understand how E and K fundamentally work. In the documentation there was the C parameter which simply said how long in seconds it would take for the heater to reach temperature but it was deprecated in favor for K and E. The docs say this is the formula: K*((Th-Ta)/100)^E. What is taken as the ambient temperature? I'm getting a bit frustrated as the only way I can heat the camber currently is manually increasing the temp by 1C at a time.
RE: Wrong Temp Monitored at Chamber Heater Fault
@jay_s_uk Thanks! I just had a read through it and unfortunately the C parameter got deprecated for the final 3.4 release. I will have to play with the E/K parameters although it reads like they have a different purpose(Cooling Curve) than the C.