@martin7404 Thank you Martin! With these values I can get it to heat up until 70C without any errors. I still wish there would be a better solution like a "dumb" heater but at least I can work with it now

Best posts made by baua1024
RE: Wrong Temp Monitored at Chamber Heater Fault
RE: Duet 3 with RPi4 random crashes
@jay_s_uk Unfortunately this is also sold out everywhere. I contacted the retailer and they will send me a new pi4 as soon as they have on stock for me to test it. I will let you guys know if it helped
RE: Input Shaper Questions
@dc42 Thanks for these explanations! I tried again all shapers with a value of 0 and 0.1 and didn't see a lot of a difference. I got to really good results now that I did these changes:
- Changed Acceleration on X from 3K to 6K didn't make it any worse but going down from 3K to 2K on Y made significant improvements.
- Jerk Values have been on 400 on X and Y and cause the printhead to take corners very harsh. Running 1000 now and the printhead moves a lot smother.
- I had two frequencies in my accelerometer data: 4.8Hz(x) and 53.5Hz(y). The 4,8 Hz didn't do a lot of improvement but the 53.5Hz helps a huge amount on the X Vibration. The resonance on Y access didn't really improve with input shaping but only with lower acceleration however the resonance introduced by X went significantly down.
Here a Ringing Tower with 140mms/s where I tuned different shapers with no Shaping at top.
Each segment is a different Shaper algorithm with S0 and S0.1. They all do a great job compared to no shaping:
This Ringing Tower uses only the EI3 53.5Hz S0 Shaper but is increasing Y Acceleration each layer. Best Result was at 2K. The Shaper seems to not affect Ringing on X Axes introduced by Y Axes Vibrations:
RE: Wrong Temp Monitored at Chamber Heater Fault
@jay_s_uk Thanks! I just had a read through it and unfortunately the C parameter got deprecated for the final 3.4 release. I will have to play with the E/K parameters although it reads like they have a different purpose(Cooling Curve) than the C.
RE: Mainboard 6HC (with SBC) does not start with all Fans Connected.
@infiniteloop I'm actually quite sure that a 3 Pin Fans third wire is Tacho signal and only the 4 Pin Fans are PWM controllable. The Speed is controlled via the supplied Voltage. https://digitalworld839.com/3-pin-vs-4-pin-fan-difference-between/