Background: I'm wanting to replace a custom control board with the Duet system, but am not certain I can get the Duet to be accurate enough for the application.
The System: We have what is essentially a custom CNC tubing cutter that is micron accurate. To get that accuracy we have high resolution encoders and an extremely reduced drive on a spindle depth drive, and a tubing feed drive. The tubing feed is spun axially with a third axis using a slip ring for connectivity to the motor/encoder for the feed.
From my reading it seems to be able to read the encoders at all, I'd need a 1HCL board, and set up the Linear quadrature encoder plus Duet3D Magnetic Shaft Encoder on each axis. For 2 of my 3 axis, this isn't really a problem, I have the space and can mount the electronics close enough to not have issue with signal. But for the tubing feed axis, the slip ring only has 8 contacts, and not enough space to change to a 12 contact slip ring. I MIGHT be able to change to a 10 position ring with some trickery.
IF the 1HCL can use 2 SPI encoders, AND I can set them up with only MOSI CLK and CS, then I could reach that 10 position max.
Stepper Coils x4, 5v, Gnd, MOSI, CLK, CS1, CS2.
The Questions:
- Can the 1HCL control in this Linear+Shaft encoder setup, an axis with extreme reduction drive? (ie 20k steps/mm reduction)
- Is there a way to use 2 SPI encoders instead of 1 Quadrature, and 1 SPI (magnetic) encoder?
- Can the 1HCL somehow do a Partial Closed Loop without the magnetic encoder for commutation?
- Is there a way to read the encoder ticks directly from the 1HCL without having closed loop setup? (So I can setup a partial closed loop by periodically checking the encoder counts and updating the movement commands)