@jay_s_uk worked an absolute CHARM!! now just need to get the depth within tolerance in thank you!
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RE: tool offsets
Latest posts made by magdi
RE: tool offsets
@jay_s_uk worked an absolute CHARM!! now just need to get the depth within tolerance in thank you!
RE: tool offsets
@jay_s_uk this sounds like quite an elegant solution. I have probably a dumb question but how will all of the G10's interact with eachother? I have a G10 in the config.g and then two extra now... does each G10 command superseed the other? I will have a stab anyway hopefully it will work!
RE: tool offsets
Hi Jay, its one big job, I was hoping it would just work but guess not yet. I have tried with 2 jobs but then the tool just doesnt play well at all and decides to run off the bed...I have a servo which rotates the blade using M280
tool offsets
Good evening,
I have been scratching my head on this all day and cant seem to get it to work.Ive built a custom tool for my tool changer which I want to use to ‘engrave’ foam and make a wall of bricks for model making. The tool is a knife shape and can rotate from horizontal to vertical.
I have made the gcode work and the machine carves in the horizontal directions (imagine lines in a note pad) but when i go to vertical mode, the tool does not go in between the lines - this is because the blade is not in the centre of the tool, but offset. Please see picture attached which might help?
So the question is can i create a custom bit of gcode that works like it should in the x and y coordinate when cutting horizontal AND also then provides an offset when it is in the vertical? I thought a G52 offset would save me but this is not compatible with my duet. Can someone please guide me in the right direction!!
RE: Shipping damage duet 2 wifi and duex boards
@Veti just going through the motion i guess... i just want to get make some suff now! haha
Shipping damage duet 2 wifi and duex boards
I have recently purchased an E3D tool-changer directly from E3D and had it shipped within the UK. The box came damaged to my house, however being an old bigbox owner i believed the packaging would be more than adequate - it unfortunately wasn't as i received a few damaged items. This included a duet 2 board that had the E0 heater connector snapped off as well as a faulty E1 heater. I did try the E2 heater on the duex board which was working on and off sometimes the heater heated up, others it didn't (this might be a faulty heater cartridge i am yet to test this). Furthermore, both boards were giving me many issues with the drivers.
Error short to ground on drivers 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 came up a numerous times.
Followed by a constant
Error short to ground on drivers 5-6-7-8-9 error meaning i am unable to use any of the duex motor drivers, as well as the E0 and E1 heaters on the duet board.
In light of this, i contacted E3D and they suggested i should post here and hopefully we can get the issue sorted.
RE: Duet 2 wifi controlling brushless drone motors
Understood, would this code be put in the config.g file or is there a better place to put it?
Duet 2 wifi controlling brushless drone motors
Hi all, hope you're all taking care in these terbulant times.
I am in the process of building a shuttle feeder to help aid in my badminton training once we're allowed back to sports centres - this is the 'cockrocket MK3' so I'm slowly getting to a more defined design. I started with using servos but they keep burning out tragically.
I'm currently using an arduino with stepper drivers, but I'm have a spare duet board from an older project and I'm wondering if I can use a duet instead.
The movement is two parts:
Part 1 is done by 3 stepper motors that would rotate about 45 degrees clockwise and anti clockwise to turn an iris to feed the shuttles down and out towards two wheels. This process happens on repeat for 24 rounds as a round holds 24 shuttlecocks (was originally a servo but they're burning out on me)
Part 2 is done by two drone motors that spin and fling the shuttle away to the other side of the court. These motors have to be armed to fire and it's done via the servo library in arduino.
I was wondering how I would attack this with the duet, I dont know if this is the best use case for it either. Hopefully that all makes sense, will happily send across some pictures if they're needed!
RE: homing issues
@phaedrux have just calibrated the steps per mm so hopefully it'll all work out now just doing a test print now will see how it goes.
thanks for the help as always guys! -
RE: homing issues
printer is homing wooo bed levelling is also working ay BUT now next problemo, just never end do they. when i start to print, the nozzle keeps laying down filament nice strand on the bottom layer and then just takes it out on the next pass (not nice). then it just starts to peel itself of so that is not ideal any idea how to sort out that conundrum?
or is it just bed adhesion problem (just have a glass bed atm)