L parameter fixed it.

Best posts made by my67nova
Latest posts made by my67nova
RE: PEI sheet on glass with IR probe
I tried doing the same thing and gave up. Now I use a BL Touch and it works good enough although not as repeatable as a good old fashioned micro switch. Never bothered to make a servo to deploy because at the end of the day they are 3D printers not milling machines and they do not need the accuracy. Yet…....
RE: Beast - P3 Steel XL
Cool box. Where is your heatsink for the SSR?
RE: 3MF file format
They donated the starting code as far as I can tell, Ultimaker also supports it.
RE: 3MF file format
I have been doing a bit of reading and can find no concrete answers of its intended use. ( http://3mf.io/ ) There seems to be printers that support this file format directly. It looks like these do, Mcor IRIS and Mcor ARKe. It maybe too much for the Duet but who knows? It would open up great new possibilities if it did…...
3MF file format
Is there any chance of us being able to use 3MF files? I am building a 6 color setup with my Duet Wifi and expansion board and seems like having color information would be a great benefit.
RE: Pause/Stop AND Resume
Never did from day one. The 5v power supply I use is rated for 1.8A and will charge my LG V20 in less than 45 minutes from dead.
RE: Pause/Stop AND Resume
So I need to supply 5V to the panel and the Duet independently? I had a 1.8A wall wart plugged into the Duet and the Panel was flickering. Should it run from a single USB connection? The print went to 100% as soon as the main power was removed.
RE: Pause/Stop AND Resume
Tried to pause a print as suggested and it does not work. 5v does keep the Duet powered but not the display properly (7"), but the heater goes into fault and print ends. I guess I should have tried it before needing it. 14+ hours of printing….............down the drain
RE: Pause/Stop AND Resume
Cool I guess that will have to do for now. Thanks for the help.
RE: Strange mesh grid heightmap
I would still try a micro switch maybe the relectivity is different on various parts of the bed and it looks like you have PEI on the bed as do I, which made my IR probe unreliable and stopped me from using it. Or if you have something that is perfectly flat not to shiny, not clear and fits on the bed, like painted flat black glass, then rerun the probing routine with coordinates that fit, or not, as long as it will not hit anything ie thin. Then see if the results are the same or different. Until you know for absolute certainty what it is not you will not find out what it is. I try to live by that rule because every time I "think" I know what it isn't it bites me in the arse! 50ish years fixing stuff you pick up a thing or two.