Sorry - had to step away. The homing height in M558 is locked at 229.4 and the number spat is 19.43. Still needs a teensy bit of fine tuning, but the grand picture includes printing again.

Best posts made by 1d1
RE: Homing vs. Printing height difference
RE: No Axis Movement
I found it.. finally.... and terribly embarrassing: X and W were reversed at the drivers. It is now homing perfectly. Now I'm going to work on the Z probe setup and will introduce a new topic if I can't get it right. For now, and to all of you who helped, Major Thanks!!! I was lost and have now been found...
RE: Blinking bed heater LED, no heat
That did it! So far at least... When I first got the machine, it was burning out cheap PSUs so the company's solution was to send out new beds and PSUs along with this monster MOSFET. I got an SSR while the boat was coming from China and all was well until a few days ago. The Black Widow was a heavily flawed machine but I have upgraded, rebuilt, and poured a huge amount of time and money into it - and learned a lot. It is currently a tank after this last attempt to get it right. Let's hope it works as it should - thanks repeatedly, @Phaedrux. You caught me in midair again!
RE: Need Probe Setup Help
Never mind - I actually found the problem on my own. Hard to believe.... !
Thanks again...
RE: Need Probe Setup Help
Excellent. Can I buy you a beer? Your time and effort is much appreciated.