I feel just having a Small Dot Next to the XYZ and Probe areas would be very helpful
to have a quick visualization of endstop status
image url)

Best posts made by Adamfilip
RE: Cant find Endstop status on DWC
Fat Finger Compensation
When I using DWC on my iphone
when I pause a print job. the resume and cancel print job buttons are stacked on top of each other very close. I have big hands and its super easy to accidently press the cancel button instead of the resume button. can we add a decent amount of space between them to compensate for fat fingers please -
DWC UI Skins/Themes
I think it would be great if you could apply community created skins/themes to the DWC, that way everyone could share alternative UI's that might work better for their specific workflow.
If someone made a CNC layout or a Robot Layout, or just a Minimalist printer setup.
Being able to just upload into a Theme directory in system tab and switch between them like plugins.
reminds me of the old Winamp Skins days
RE: deployprobe.g for Euclid not running
@adamfilip probably just a typo and should be F
RE: BtnCmd-DWC Plugin - Customise DWC - v01.03.08 01-03-25
Is there someplace to download different configurations of entire layouts of panels and buttons.
or a way to load user created custom panels themselves.would be great if we could share various configurations to get us 90% of the way there.
RE: Order Files by Date UPLOADED!
@airscapes mine sort by Data modified, which is usually the upload date..
cant you just click on date modified and have it sort them that way? -
RE: Wiring LIS3DH Accelerometer to Duet2Wifi
@adamfilip no i had two wires mixed up.. Swap the SC3 and Sc4
this is the updated drawing and it was detected by Duet2Wifi -
iPad pro 10.5 holder for DWC
Made myself a ipad pro 10.5 holder for my printer
can be found here
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5438181/files -
Current Volumetric flow with Chart
I would love to see the current mm3 of volumetric flow that is being printed
just like the temp chart (make it tab) so you can see this chart instead of the temp if desired.Would be awesome to visualize the current flow rate in real time
RE: Current Volumetric flow with Chart
@jens55 im not suggesting removing the temp display. just making the chart have tabs, so you can switch from temp, to flow to speed or whatever as you wish
RE: G0/G1 insufficient axis homed
G1 X147.310 Y149.379 E0.5177
G92 E0.0000
G1 E-1.0000 F2400
; layer end
M106 S0 ; turn off cooling fan
M104 S0 ; turn off extruder
M140 S0 ; turn off bed
M84 ; disable motorsI assume the M84 is causing my problem
DWC UI improvement ideas
When I am using DWC on my Iphone, I find it frustrating that I cannot see the position and temp status of the machine unless im in status tab. when Im trying to move the gantry position around in the dashboard tab, i cant see the XYZ position at the same time.
I wish it would have a small set of data shown in the header of all tabs
I have attached a quick mockup of the idea.Top row would should XYZ position, XYZP (P=Probe) letters would be color coded to represent endstop status. Green being untriggered and Red being Triggered
Bottom row would show Heater Status with Tool Heat and Bed Heat. With Red text if heater is on and Blue text if heater is off.
Hoping something like this can be implemented please
Arc Welder Gcode processor Plugin?
I was wondering if it would be possible to add a plugin to webcontrol for Arc Welder, a software that converts straight segments to Arc's
https://github.com/FormerLurker/ArcWelderLibThe Arc Welder Software works via the command line, in Cura Slicer, in Octoprint and has an embeddable library. This magic software converts straight line data from most slicers and converts it into arc data for your 3D Printer. The results are spectacular. Improved 3D printing speeds, smoother prints and the ability to print faster than before. This improvement comes from converting the line segments of your 3D Prints into arcs. Arcs are also more efficient at creating smooth 3D prints because there is less data for your 3D Printer to process. This all comes together like magic to improve your 3D print quality. The plugin is completely free.
Duet Farm Control
Would be nice to have a screen where you can see status, of multiple Duet based Machines at same time.
and/or have some way to switch from one printer to another with dropdown menu at top.
also be able to customize colours per printer to not get them confused with eachother
Cancel object in Gang Run
This video describes the functionality
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANfOr2F79LQIf you are printing 10 object and during the print, one fails..being able to ignore the failed part so the other 9 can finish
basically creating a zone on bed to ignore going forward -
RE: deployprobe.g for Euclid not running
@fcwilt actually I use too, its changed to only a signal Y.
sorry some old notes still linger -
RE: Damn Layer Shift!, time to go Closed Loop?
@fcwilt I dont know exactly whats Causing it. but I will assume that its snagging on some support or piece that was printed, which made it miss steps than its screwed. if it was closed loop it should should go back to correct position. and continue on. even if snagged momentarily.
Remaining Filament tracking
When you load up a new 1KG spool of 1.75mm it would be nice to have an estimate on how much is left on the roll.. and be able to push a button and reset that anytime you change roll. might not be 100% accurate but would be helpful to know if you have enough filament left to do a job
Play mp3 sound file
Would like to request ability to play a specific mp3 file if a M300 "Sound.mp3" is called.
really to mainly play from DWC browser -
RE: deployprobe.g for Euclid not running
@oliof Thank you both M401 and M401 P0 worked!