Thank you very much, @dc42. I’ll try it out next time. Wishing the whole team a Merry Christmas!

Posts made by Aitor
RE: How to Monitor MCU Temperature on 3HC?
How to Monitor MCU Temperature on 3HC?
Good morning everyone,
I’m trying to set up two thermostatic fans to ventilate the MCU and electronics, based on the MCU temperature, using the following code:
M308 S10 Y"mcu-temp" A"MCU" ; Set or report sensor parameters M950 F13 Q500 C"1.out4" ; Configure MCU fan M950 F14 Q500 C"1.out5" ; Configure MCU fan M106 P13 S1 T25:70 C"MCU Fan" H10 ; Set fan configuration M106 P14 S1 T25:70 C"MCU Fan" H10 ; Set fan configuration
The issue I’m facing is that I don’t have any available outputs on the Duet 6HC, so I have no choice but to use the last two outputs on the Duet 3HC. I understand that the problem is that since I’m monitoring the MCU temperature of the Duet 6HC, I should be using outputs from the 6HC and not the 3HC.
So, my question is: how can I monitor the temperature of the 3HC instead of the 6HC? I’ve tried M308 S10 Y"1.mcu-temp" A"MCU", but, as expected, it didn’t work.
Best regards,
RE: Issues with Intermittent Stopping of the Z-Axis Motor
Good morning @dc42,
The endstop cables run close to the stepper motors, and they are also the longest cables on the setup. After the tests I conducted over the weekend, I’ve concluded that the issue is indeed signal interference, likely caused by the motors. Unfortunately, I can’t change the wiring at this time, so I’ll only be able to make this adjustment later on.
As a workaround, is there any way to make all the independent motors stop upon detection by any endstop sensor? If not, could this option be added as G0 H5?
Best regards,
RE: Issues with Intermittent Stopping of the Z-Axis Motor
Good morning @droftarts,
In my case, the sensors.endstops[2].triggered object model shows true whenever any endstop is triggered, and I haven’t found an alternative to monitor them individually.
An alternative solution I thought of was to stop all motors whenever any endstop is detected. I tried using the G0 H4 command, hoping it would work this way, but it didn’t. My idea was to send G0 H4 repeatedly and then keep the Z homing as is. My approach would look something like this:
; homez.g ; Homing for the Y-axis G91 ; Set to relative positioning G1 H4 Z{move.axes[2].max} F3000 ; Move G4 S1 M400 G1 H4 Z{move.axes[2].max} F3000 ; Move G4 S1 M400 G1 H4 Z{move.axes[2].max} F3000 ; Move G4 S1 M400 G1 H1 Z{move.axes[2].max} F3000 ; Move G1 H2 Z-5 F6000 ; Move G1 H1 Z{move.axes[2].max/2} F360 ; Move G90 ; Set to absolute positioning M400 ; Wait for current moves to finish
The pause was just to check if it would work and give me time to react, but H4 did not stop all motors. If it had worked this way, I could avoid any false trigger, and it would only be noticeable in cases where it actually occurred, preventing issues with the Z-axis.
I know my circuit has many connections, but this shouldn’t be an issue. Moreover, I haven’t noticed this behavior in XYU, where X and U have even more connections (two more than Z), so I’d like to think that’s not the case.
Best regards,
RE: Issues with Intermittent Stopping of the Z-Axis Motor
Good morning @droftarts,
I activated the internal pull-up resistor, as I mentioned earlier, and it seemed to work well; I completed a cycle of 100 without any issues. To be sure, I then ran a cycle of 1000, but this time it failed on cycle 115 out of 1000. This time, it was Z2 again, but I can confirm that both Z1, Z2, and Z3 have failed at different times. I think it’s unlikely that this is due to the connections. I also checked that the endstop isn’t getting stuck, and it isn’t. So, I’m not sure where this error might be coming from. I also ran this macro for over 12 hours and didn’t get the error message, though the machine was completely stationary during that time.
while true if sensors.endstops[2].triggered == true break; M400 M291 R"Final de carrera Z" P"Final de carrera Z pulsado" S2
Best regards,
RE: Issues with Intermittent Stopping of the Z-Axis Motor
Good morning @droftarts,
@droftarts said in Issues with Intermittent Stopping of the Z-Axis Motor:
Does the motor stop before any of the motors have hit an endstop? If so, I'd guess the problem was a poor/loose connection in the endstop wiring. Check the wiring to all the endstops. I don't think a pullup helps here, because they are wired NC.
Exactly, my motor stops before reaching the endstop. Before writing this, I checked all my Z-axis connections and replaced all the relevant cables. To give you an idea of how it's connected, my endstop is connected to a custom-designed PCB; from this board, via a flat cable, it goes to another PCB, and from there, two of the motors (Z1 and Z2) connect to another PCB through a different flat cable. From here, the system connects to the Duet3hc, while Z3, due to its location, goes directly to this last PCB.
Today, I am running tests after modifying the Z homing routine, which I changed this way following your recommendation.
; homez.g ; Homing for the Y-axis G91 ; Set to relative positioning G1 H1 Z{move.axes[2].max} F3000 ; Move G1 H2 Z-5 F6000 ; Move G1 H1 Z{move.axes[2].max/2} F360 ; Move G90 ; Set to absolute positioning M400 ; Wait for current moves to finish
I'm running this testing macro while writing this message, and the Z3 motor failed on loop 53 out of 100. I re-ran the macro, and this time Z2 failed on loop 71 out of 100. In each case, it always fails during homing, never with regular movement commands. Yesterday, I ran this same cycle, moving the Z axis up and down 1000 times without homing, just moving it from position Z0 to Z{move.axes[2].max-1}, and there were no failures, so I can rule out a mechanical cause. As for the error itself, it happened while I was present, and I could see that the motor that stops does not even attempt to move, while the other two, which are always positioned lower, keep trying to move. This is logical since none of them have reached their endstop.
if state.status = "processing" || state.status = "paused" M118 S{"Cannot use during "^state.status} M99 var cycle = 0 var count = 0 M291 R"Number of Cycles" P"Enter the number of cycles you want to perform" S5 L1 F10 set var.cycle = input M400 while var.count <= var.cycle M118 S{var.count^" of "^var.cycle} G28 Z G0 Z{move.axes[2].max-20} F{move.axes[2].speed} set var.count = var.count+1
On another note, if I wanted to test enabling the internal Pull Up, would it be safe to configure it like this in my case?
M574 Z2 S1 P"^^^" ; Endstop configuration
Best regards,
Aitor -
RE: Issues with Intermittent Stopping of the Z-Axis Motor
Good morning @droftarts,
I have reviewed my circuit and can only implement a Pull-Up connection. My intention is to place a 220-ohm resistor from my 5V to io#in. Do you see this as correct?
Best regards,
Issues with Intermittent Stopping of the Z-Axis Motor
Good morning @droftarts,
I am experiencing issues with my new equipment using DUET3. The error generally occurs on the Z-axis, which has 3 independent motors, each connected to a different driver and with its respective endstops. Most of the time, it works correctly, but occasionally one of the motors (not always the same one) stops, causing the other two to descend, bending my print bed and preventing further movement.
My NC endstops are two-wire: one connected to GND and the other to io#in. Here is my configuration:
M584 X0.4 Y0.3:0.1 Z1.0:1.1:1.2 U0.5 E0.0:0.2 ; Set drive mapping M574 Z2 S1 P"" ; Set endstop configuration
As you can see, both the endstops and motors are connected to Duet3hc.
My home Z configuration is as follows:
; homez.g ; call to home the Y-axis G91 ; Set to Relative Positioning G1 H1 Z{move.axes[2].max*2} F3000 ; Move G1 H2 Z-5 F6000 ; Move G1 H1 Z{move.axes[2].max/2} F360 ; Move G90 ; Set to Absolute Positioning M400 ; Wait for current moves to finish
I believe the configuration is correct since it works properly most of the time. However, as I’m experiencing this type of interference, could a pull-up or pull-down connection help? Additionally, I find it odd that on the Y-axis, which also has two independent motors (but connected to Duet6hc), I have not encountered this type of interference.
I would appreciate any input you can provide.
Best regards,
RE: Possible object model error
@droftarts said in Possible object model error:
I'm sorry, but you'll have to ask @chrishamm why it works! I think it changes the data type to a string.
RE: Possible object model error
Good morning @droftarts,
Your solution worked correctly, but I don't quite understand why. You didn't really add anything by including ^"", did you? What would that be adding here?
Regarding spaces and tabs, I only use tabs, but something might have changed when translating or copying and pasting. My version of the code is in Spanish.
And as for the Panel Due, I was kind of expecting that, but I thought there might be something I didn’t know. It wouldn't be the first time
Best regards,
RE: Possible object model error
Good morning @droftarts,
Thank you for the quick response, I’ll wait then. One more question: is there any way to automatically check the version of the Panel Due, or do I have to do it manually?
Best regards,
Possible object model error
Good morning @droftarts,
I was writing a script to verify that my machines are running the correct firmware version, to ensure no mistakes are made. Occasionally, during assembly or when updating the firmware, some Duet components like the WiFi module, expansion boards, or PanelDue might not be mounted. Below is the macro I’ve written, but I’m encountering an issue: the line if boards[0].firmwareVersion == "3.5.3" works correctly, but if boards[1].firmwareVersion == "3.5.3" returns the following error:
M98 P"0:/macros/_MACROS DE FABRICA/0.-Verificación de firmware" Error: in file macro line 14 column 44: meta command: cannot convert operands to same type
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a different type of error?
if state.status == "processing" || state.status == "paused" M118 S{"Cannot be used during "^state.status} M99 if boards[0].firmwareVersion == "3.5.3" M291 R{boards[0].name} P{"The board is running the CORRECT firmware version. "^boards[0].firmwareVersion} S2 else M291 R{boards[0].name} P{"The board is NOT running the correct firmware version. "^boards[0].firmwareVersion} S2 M291 R{boards[0].name} P{"Firmware installation will proceed: "^boards[0].firmwareFileName} S3 M997 B0 S0 if exists(boards[1]) if boards[1].firmwareVersion == "3.5.3" M291 R{boards[1].name} P{"The board is running the CORRECT firmware version. "^boards[1].firmwareVersion} S2 else M291 R{boards[1].name} P{"The board is NOT running the correct firmware version. "^boards[1].firmwareVersion} S2 M291 R{boards[1].name} P{"Firmware installation will proceed: "^boards[1].firmwareFileName} S3 M997 B1 S0 else M291 R"ERROR" P"Duet3HC board not detected" S3 var counter = 10 if exists(network.interfaces[1]) if network.interfaces[1].state != "active" || network.interfaces[1].state != "idle" || network.interfaces[1].state == "disabled" M552 I1 S0 while true if network.interfaces[1].state == "idle" || var.counter <= 0 break else G4 P500 set var.counter = var.counter - 1 if network.interfaces[1].firmwareVersion == "2.1.0" || network.interfaces[1].state != "active" || network.interfaces[1].state != "idle" M291 R{"Module "^network.interfaces[1].type} P{"The "^network.interfaces[1].type^" module is running the CORRECT firmware version: "^network.interfaces[1].firmwareVersion} S2 else M291 R{"Module "^network.interfaces[1].type} P{"The "^network.interfaces[1].type^" module is NOT running the correct firmware version. "^network.interfaces[1].firmwareVersion} S2 M291 R{"Module "^network.interfaces[1].type} P{"Firmware installation will proceed for the "^network.interfaces[1].type^" module."} S3 M997 S1 else M291 R"ERROR" P"WiFi module not detected" S3 M291 R"PanelDue" P"Please ensure that the PanelDue is running version 3.5.0. Is it on that version?" S4 K{"YES","NO"} if input == 0 M291 R"PanelDue" P"You have confirmed that the PanelDue is running version 3.5.0." S2 else M291 R"PanelDue" P"Proceeding with PanelDue firmware installation." S3 M997 S4
Best regards,
RE: Support Needed for 4-Head Printer Setup: Y Axis Error
Good morning @droftarts,
I’ve implemented the solution you suggested, and in the initial tests, it seems to be working correctly. If I notice anything unusual, I’ll let you know.
I have a question: when this is fixed in the firmware, should I keep S0 or remove it? Or, on the contrary, does it not matter if I leave it in place?
Best regards,
RE: Support Needed for 4-Head Printer Setup: Y Axis Error
Good morning @dc42 and @droftarts,
Thank you very much for the help provided. I will keep an eye on the mentioned versions, run the tests, and report back with the results.
@o_lampe, this error does not exist in version 3.3; @droftarts confirmed this for me. Additionally, upon reviewing my notes from a similar model, I found that this issue was indeed present in that version, which is why I didn’t encounter the problem before. However, in that model, I used Duet2 Wifi, so I wasn’t sure if this was the cause.
Thanks again to everyone for the support.
Best regards,
RE: Support Needed for 4-Head Printer Setup: Y Axis Error
Good morning @droftarts,
I’ve tried everything I could think of and reviewed my entire configuration, especially the parts that might be executed when the machine starts up and the files that run before sending G91 G0 Y100 G90, such as tfree#.g, tpost#.g, tpre#.g, homeall.g, config-override.g, and autopower.g (a custom file called from config.g to resume printing after a power loss). However, I don’t see anything that could be causing this error. Additionally, I’ve made sure that in the object models, tools[2].axes[1][0] and tools[3].axes[1][0] are both set to 6 (A), and when I send G90 G0 Y100, these heads respond correctly. Therefore, I’m beginning to suspect it could be a firmware issue that hasn’t been detected until now. @dc42, if you could confirm whether this is possible, I would greatly appreciate it. If you need any additional information, I’d be happy to provide it. Since the machine is for a client, depending on the information you request, I’ll send it to Tony via email.
I’ve also tried the newly released version, and the result is the same.
Best regards,
RE: Support Needed for 4-Head Printer Setup: Y Axis Error
Good morning @droftarts,
I don’t know what to think anymore. Before reverting to the previous configuration, I decided to keep my setup as it was, with the A axis on the main board, to resemble the version I tested earlier. The result was that it still doesn’t work. Here’s another issue: in most of my codes, I always use G90, so it’s possible I didn’t realize this wasn’t working. Now, using the macro I mentioned earlier, which I didn’t have in previous models, I’ve noticed the problem. So, I’m not sure if it’s a firmware issue or a configuration problem. I’ll continue testing and will review my entire configuration again. If you have any other suggestions on what I could try, it would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
RE: Support Needed for 4-Head Printer Setup: Y Axis Error
Good morning @droftarts,
I’ve tried changing the A axis to the main board, but it’s still not working. With heads T2 and T3 selected, if I send G91 G0 Y100 G90, they should move, but they don’t. The only difference now is that I don’t hear any noise when sending the command; before, I did. However, if I send the code G91 G0 A100 G90, it does work.
I’m going to revert to my previous configuration and try installing versions 3.4.5 (which I know worked with another similar setup, although in that case, the A axis was on the main board) and also try version 3.5.3-rc.1.
Note: I’d prefer not to use 3.4.5 if it works, as I use many of the new features in 3.5.
Best regards,
RE: Support Needed for 4-Head Printer Setup: Y Axis Error
Good morning @dc42,
After this test, I wanted to simplify it further by only moving the Y-axis. Here is the code used:
G28 echo >"test" "; Test Start" var resp = 0 while true M291 R"Select Toolhead" P"Specify the toolhead you want to adjust the offsets for" S4 K{"Tool_0","Tool_1","Tool_2","Tool_3","Exit"} set var.resp = input if var.resp = 4 break; else T{var.resp} echo >>"test" "T"^state.currentTool^" X="^move.axes[tools[state.currentTool].axes[0][0]].machinePosition^" Y="^move.axes[tools[state.currentTool].axes[1][0]].machinePosition G91 G0 Y100 F6000 G90 M291 R"Did it move correctly?" P"Indicate if the expected behavior occurred for G91 G0 Y100 G90" S4 K{"YES","NO"} if input = 0 echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 Y100 G90 executed correctly" else echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 Y100 G90 did NOT execute correctly" G91 G1 H1 F6000 X{-move.axes[0].max -- move.axes[0].min} Y{move.axes[1].max} U{move.axes[3].max} V{-move.axes[4].max -- move.axes[4].min} W{move.axes[5].max} A{-move.axes[3].max} G1 H2 F6000 X5 Y-5 U-5 V5 W-5 A5 G1 H1 F360 X{-move.axes[0].max/2} Y{move.axes[1].max/2} U{move.axes[3].max/2} V{-move.axes[4].max/2} W{move.axes[5].max/2} A{-move.axes[3].max/2} G0 Y-100 F6000 G90 M291 R"Did it move correctly?" P"Indicate if the expected behavior occurred for G91 G0 Y-100 G90" S4 K{"YES","NO"} if input = 0 echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 Y-100 G90 executed correctly" else echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 Y-100 G90 did NOT execute correctly" G91 G1 H1 F6000 X{-move.axes[0].max -- move.axes[0].min} Y{move.axes[1].max} U{move.axes[3].max} V{-move.axes[4].max -- move.axes[4].min} W{move.axes[5].max} A{-move.axes[3].max} G1 H2 F6000 X5 Y-5 U-5 V5 W-5 A5 G1 H1 F360 X{-move.axes[0].max/2} Y{move.axes[1].max/2} U{move.axes[3].max/2} V{-move.axes[4].max/2} W{move.axes[5].max/2} A{-move.axes[3].max/2} G90 G28
These are the test results:
; Test Start T0 X=-62.000 Y=375.000 ; G91 G0 Y100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 Y-100 G90 executed correctly T1 X=562.000 Y=375.000 ; G91 G0 Y100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 Y-100 G90 executed correctly T2 X=-62.000 Y=0.000 ; G91 G0 Y100 G90 did NOT execute correctly ; G91 G0 Y-100 G90 executed correctly T3 X=562.000 Y=0.000 ; G91 G0 Y100 G90 did NOT execute correctly ; G91 G0 Y-100 G90 executed correctly
The symptoms are the same.
If you think of any other tests I could perform, please let me know. On the other hand, if you find it appropriate, I can try installing the version you have released, 3.5.3-rc.1.
Kind regards,
RE: Support Needed for 4-Head Printer Setup: Y Axis Error
Good morning @dc42,
Following our discussion yesterday, today I have carried out the following tests for all the heads, executing the macro I generated.
G28 echo >"test" "; Test Start" var resp = 0 while true M291 R"Select Toolhead" P"Specify the toolhead you want to adjust the offsets for" S4 K{"Tool_0","Tool_1","Tool_2","Tool_3","Exit"} set var.resp = input if var.resp = 4 break; else T{var.resp} echo >>"test" "T"^state.currentTool^" X="^move.axes[tools[state.currentTool].axes[0][0]].machinePosition^" Y="^move.axes[tools[state.currentTool].axes[1][0]].machinePosition G91 G0 X100 Y100 F6000 G90 M291 R"Did it move correctly?" P"Indicate if the expected behavior occurred for G91 G0 X100 Y100 G90" S4 K{"YES","NO"} if input = 0 echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 X100 Y100 G90 executed correctly" else echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 X100 Y100 G90 did NOT execute correctly" G91 G1 H1 F6000 X{-move.axes[0].max -- move.axes[0].min} Y{move.axes[1].max} U{move.axes[3].max} V{-move.axes[4].max -- move.axes[4].min} W{move.axes[5].max} A{-move.axes[3].max} G1 H2 F6000 X5 Y-5 U-5 V5 W-5 A5 G1 H1 F360 X{-move.axes[0].max/2} Y{move.axes[1].max/2} U{move.axes[3].max/2} V{-move.axes[4].max/2} W{move.axes[5].max/2} A{-move.axes[3].max/2} G0 X-100 Y100 F6000 G90 M291 R"Did it move correctly?" P"Indicate if the expected behavior occurred for G91 G0 X-100 Y100 G90" S4 K{"YES","NO"} if input = 0 echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 X-100 Y100 G90 executed correctly" else echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 X-100 Y100 G90 did NOT execute correctly" G91 G1 H1 F6000 X{-move.axes[0].max -- move.axes[0].min} Y{move.axes[1].max} U{move.axes[3].max} V{-move.axes[4].max -- move.axes[4].min} W{move.axes[5].max} A{-move.axes[3].max} G1 H2 F6000 X5 Y-5 U-5 V5 W-5 A5 G1 H1 F360 X{-move.axes[0].max/2} Y{move.axes[1].max/2} U{move.axes[3].max/2} V{-move.axes[4].max/2} W{move.axes[5].max/2} A{-move.axes[3].max/2} G0 X-100 Y-100 F6000 G90 M291 R"Did it move correctly?" P"Indicate if the expected behavior occurred for G91 G0 X-100 Y-100 G90" S4 K{"YES","NO"} if input = 0 echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 X-100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly" else echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 X-100 Y-100 G90 did NOT execute correctly" G91 G1 H1 F6000 X{-move.axes[0].max -- move.axes[0].min} Y{move.axes[1].max} U{move.axes[3].max} V{-move.axes[4].max -- move.axes[4].min} W{move.axes[5].max} A{-move.axes[3].max} G1 H2 F6000 X5 Y-5 U-5 V5 W-5 A5 G1 H1 F360 X{-move.axes[0].max/2} Y{move.axes[1].max/2} U{move.axes[3].max/2} V{-move.axes[4].max/2} W{move.axes[5].max/2} A{-move.axes[3].max/2} G0 X100 Y-100 F6000 G90 M291 R"Did it move correctly?" P"Indicate if the expected behavior occurred for G91 G0 X100 Y-100 G90" S4 K{"YES","NO"} if input = 0 echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 X100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly" else echo >>"test" "; G91 G0 X100 Y-100 G90 did NOT execute correctly" G91 G1 H1 F6000 X{-move.axes[0].max -- move.axes[0].min} Y{move.axes[1].max} U{move.axes[3].max} V{-move.axes[4].max -- move.axes[4].min} W{move.axes[5].max} A{-move.axes[3].max} G1 H2 F6000 X5 Y-5 U-5 V5 W-5 A5 G1 H1 F360 X{-move.axes[0].max/2} Y{move.axes[1].max/2} U{move.axes[3].max/2} V{-move.axes[4].max/2} W{move.axes[5].max/2} A{-move.axes[3].max/2} G90 G28
This was the result of the test I conducted; please note that T# X = starting point position, Y = starting point position.
; Test Start T0 X=-62.000 Y=375.000 ; G91 G0 X100 Y100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X-100 Y100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X-100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly T1 X=562.000 Y=375.000 ; G91 G0 X100 Y100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X-100 Y100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X-100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly T2 X=-62.000 Y=0.000 ; G91 G0 X100 Y100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X-100 Y100 G90 did NOT execute correctly ; G91 G0 X-100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly T3 X=562.000 Y=0.000 ; G91 G0 X100 Y100 G90 did NOT execute correctly ; G91 G0 X-100 Y100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X-100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly ; G91 G0 X100 Y-100 G90 executed correctly
In the two combinations where it failed, the previously mentioned noise was heard, but the head practically remains in the same position it was in. In both cases, the expected behavior would have been for the head not to move in X, but to move in Y.
Best regards,
RE: Support Needed for 4-Head Printer Setup: Y Axis Error
Good morning @dc42,
I forgot to mention that the noise I hear is the same as when I try to manually move the Y(A) axis from the web interface, PanelDue, or M291 X1 Y1, regardless of the distance I try to move. And from here, neither T2 nor T3 works.
Best regards,